10. Who's in charge?

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Salvatore home:
3rd POV:

Shock. That's what Aria felt as she stood at the front door, looking out. The door wide open with an original vampire hunched over, catching his breath. Elena, who comes running up from the cellar immediately stops when she spots Aria standing there.

The younger Gilbert girl turns to her sibling, eyeing the dagger in her hand. Turning back to Elijah who has now stood up straight in his burnt suit. Even covered in ash, he still looked handsome. "You know? When I said to be aware of others people and their feelings....I didn't mean this." Aria finally speaks, keeping her voice low so the guys wouldn't hear them from upstairs.

"I can explain." Elena mouthed.

"What happened?" Elijah demands.

"That's what I want to know." Aria adds.

"Shhh" Elena says quickly silencing them. She motions to her ear and points upstairs. "I'll tell you but not here." She whispers.

"Can we even trust him?" Aria murmurs staring at the man.

"Can I trust you?" He retorts.

Sighing, Elena slowly hands over the dagger. Elijah takes it without hesitation, giving her a nod. Just as she goes to leave, Aria grips her arm. "Elena—

"Aria please, trust me." She murmurs. "Promise you won't tell them where I am."

Aria studies her sister for a few seconds before nodding her head. "Fine, just keep me updated please."

Elena nods her head, quickly leaving before her sister could change her mind. Standing there? Aria let's out a groan. Shaking her head she walks to the kitchen, her stomach rumbling. The brothers would definitely question her.

If they ask where she went I can honestly say I don't know. Maybe I should start the coffee and make breakfast that way I can say I was busy doing that.

Aria allows scenarios to swirl through her head as she begins to pull food items out of the fridge. French toast with berries and honey for her, coffee for Damon and Stef. She paused for a second before grumbling, she knew Andy would come by soon. I guess I should make her some so I don't look too suspicious. Or would that make me look suspicious?

Groaning, Aria decides to make extra "for Elena" to pretend she didn't know she was gone. She begins to hum a tune as she soaks the bread slices in the egg wash. She refused to let today go to crap. Yet it seemed every time she made that declaration, her day always seemed to blow up.

"Oh you're here."

Looking up, there stood Andy with a scarf secured around her neck. Aria couldn't help but roll her eyes. "This is my house." Aria states. "Damon's coffee is ready if you want to take it to him."

"Ok." Andy says grabbing the cup I hand to her. "Thank you."

Aria pauses, shocked by the politeness. In the time they've known each other there have never been an exchange of kind words. Smiling slightly, Aria sends her a smile. The small smile dooms lips off her face as she hears Stefan rushing through the house.

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