17. New roommate

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Legit, every comment is gonna be off because I pretty much rewrote this whole chapter lol

Aria's POV:

"The pressure of your punch ejects the stakes." Ric says after he punches the dummy in the chest.

"Easy enough." I say stepping forward with the machine on my wrist. I slam my fist into the dummy yet the stakes don't eject.

"Here let me try" Elena says stepping forward. She swings her fist forward for the stake to remain in the holster.

"Maybe they're jammed?" I say hoping that's the reason. Lifting my wrist I examine the thing making sure it wasn't broken.

"You guys aren't strong enough. Better start lifting some weights, put some meat on your bones" Ric says chuckling causing me to roll my eyes. Slowly we pack up the weapons and begin to walk.

"Thanks for sugar coating it." Elena says as we head to the car.

"Do you know what this is?" Ric asks holding up a grenade.

"Vervain grenade?" I ask lightly

"We've used one before" Elena says in a matter of fact tone.

"Then you know the element of surprise is your only advantage when it comes to a vampire. Surprise!" Ric says pulling the trigger and tossing it to me. Panicking I toss it to Elena who tosses it into the air. We stare at it explode both with wide eyes.

"This isn't a joke Ric!"

"I'm not joking, vampires will take whatever they want. they will hurt whoever they want and they'll do it without remorse. It's their nature" Ric says sternly.

"Just say Stefan and Damon no need for pronouns" I sigh.

"Look, I get why you guys are here, you guys were hurt and you don't want it to happen again"

"And we're crazy thinking we can protect ourselves from a vampire who's turned off his humanity" Elena sighs.

"I think you found a way to get out of bed this morning and that makes you guys the strongest people I know. I think that you can do anything. Just don't let that be your only reason to keep moving. Got it?"

"Got it." We mumble, making our way back to the cars.

"I'm gonna go to Damon's I have a change of clothes over there. It's closer than the house. I'll see you at school." I say to Elena, getting into my car. First day of school and I already feel like not going.

The drive took no more than five minutes, pulling up the drive way, I quickly make my way into the house to get changed. Rushing upstairs, I walk into Damon's room.

"Hey, you're back, how'd it go?" He asks laying on the bed.

"Good, harder than it looks." I groan, making my way to the shower. "I'm showering don't look."

"I'll try not to." He jokes, making me roll my eyes. "Be fast, I don't want you to be late to school."

"Damon, I only have 2 classes and one of them is Ric's. That's what happens when you're smart." I say amused, allowing the hot water to pour over me. The only thing that sucked about Damon's restroom was that there was no barrier between it and the bedroom. Just open space, but I knew I could trust him not to look.

Quickly getting out of the shower I rush to the bed and grab the clothes Damon had set on it. I toss the towel on his head to block his eyes. He lets out a chuckle, making me roll my eyes.

"Ok you're good!" I say buttoning up my shorts.

"I'll give you a ride, come on." He says getting up and leading the way downstairs.

"You don't have to." I say.

"It's fine,  I have to go get more bourbon. Stefan being here is making me drink even more." Damon groans

"Ok, just don't forget to come pick me—oh crud!" I shout trip over the last step. Damon catches me before I could hit the ground. I let out a scream when I see that it wasn't a step I tripped on, but 2 bodies.

"Stefan." Damon grumbles, lifting me up and stepping over the two girls.

"He really is out of it isn't he?" I sigh, walking to the living room. I cringe at the sight. Stefan sits on the couch with a few girls playing a bloody version of twister.

"Uh oh, Alexandra...left hand please." Stefan says gesturing to one of the girls.

"Hey, the two brunettes on the stair case oh me a Persian rug." Damon says.

"You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It's my house too, brother." Stefan shrugs.

"If we're going based off legal documents, it's mine. So you owe me a new rug." I say glaring at him.

"Aria you wanna play?" He asks, knowing it would irritate me.

"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect the girls?" Damon asks.

"These ladies are helping me be all that I can be!" Stefan says dramatically.

A knock on the doors sounds, making Damon groan. He walks over swinging it open. I furrow my brows at who is standing there.

"Where's Stefan?" Rebekah demands, irritated that she can't walk in. She looks around and spots  me, sending me a genuine smile.

"Come in." I sigh, knowing I'll regret it.

"Um, what? Who are you? Who the hell is she?" Damon asks turning to me as Rebekah walks into the living room with her shopping bags.

"He left me here, my brother actually left me here!"

"Oh I'm sorry, your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care." Stefan says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"You're Klaus' sister?" Damon asks.

"Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure. Which one is my room?"

"You're not staying here." Stefan laughs

"Rude." She grumbles, turning to me. Smirking I turn to Stefan and stare at him.

"Don't worry, Rebekah, I'll show you to your room." I say turning and motioning her to follow me. I can hear Stefan groan in annoyance as I walk up the stairs.

"So I guess she's staying here."

An: tada!! This is just a filler chapter! I should be updating another one within the next week!

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