6. Where's alaric?

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Chapter not edited

Aria's POV:

Letting out a loud groan, I throw myself onto Damon's bed. My complaints muffled by the pillows. Jackass no good smirk wearing big ego annoying twat vampire. Dumping me here while he goes on a "top secret mission".

Top secret mission my ass.

It had been an hour since Damon left me and as large as this home was, I was running out of things to do.

Reading Stefan's journal? Check.
Organizing Damon's drawers? Check.
Avoiding Katherine? Check.
Hiding Damon's bourbon? Check.
Seeing if Elijah was still dead? Check.

Listing the activities only made me realize that there wasn't much to do in the Salvatore home. I even spent some time in the room the brothers had put together for me. A majority of my time was spent in their rooms. I need more friends. Pondering the thought of actually putting in the effort of making friends, I hear the front door open and close. A loud thud following the sound of the door closing. Sitting up, I grab the pepper spray out of my bag.

Making my way down the large stair case I around the corner to the foyer. I groan as I see John's body sprawled on the floor. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and turn to face the vampire behind me.

"Seriously?" I demand.

"What?" Damon asks, as if having my dead not so dead what ever he is to me limp on the floor was normal.

"Was this the top secret mission? Pick up a dead John? Seriously Damon? What happened?" I demand walking into the living room.

"Isobel and Katherine happened." He shrugs.

"No surprise there. What is a surprise is that I haven't heard from Alaric all day...have you?" I ask.

"No but I'm sure he's out there teaching teacher things...where's my bourbon?" Damon demands turning to me.

I go silent, pretending to be confused by his question. I put on my best dumbfounded face before shrugging my shoulders.

"How should I know?"

"Aria. Every time I leave you behind you hide my bourbon out of retaliation."

"Maybe Katherine took it."

"Mhm, I'm sure. I'm giving you an hour to put it back or else."

"Or else what? It's not like you'll ever hurt me." I say smugly.

"You know what-just-just-put it back!" He groans, stomping his way up the stairs.

I follow closely behind, lightly kicking at Damon's ankles. His angry murmurs making me laugh. I walk over to the "secret" closet next to Damon's bed and take out the large bottle of bourbon.

"Just place it on your night stand. I'm gonna wash my hands." Damon says in disgust as he shows me his dirty hands.

"Maybe you wouldn't have that issue if you stopped carrying around dead undead bodies." I say giving him a look.

"I wouldn't have this issue if your psychotic mother wasn't going around killing people." Damon argues as he turns the faucet on.

"I'm just glad the need to kill doesn't run in the family."

"That's because you aren't a vampire yet."

"Damon, we aren't having this discussion now." I sigh.

"Aria. There is no discussion to be had. I'm gonna let you graduate, have a little human fun and then we can discuss who turns you." Damon says.

"Damon...I don't know if—

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