Holding On

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There was once a bright, happy leaf.
Not believing in anything bad or sad,
She kept her eyes away from grief
And gave the same hope to her comrades.

With everyday having perfect warmth and sunshine,
She lived in her own perfect world.
Little did she know that stars don't always align
And that nature was not always benign.

Sandstorm after hailstorm hit her in succession
And none of her comrades would survive.
It probably was the fate of her position,
That she still had to be alive.

Wishing for death, yet not willing to let go,
She clung on desperately, hoping for a miracle.
Then came the shining white snow
Weighing her down, becoming her crucible.

The night passed, and dawn arrived.
With the snow, the day seemed brighter.
The light blinded her eyes when she woke up relieved,
Happy to have seen it through like a fighter.

The view she had seemed a little bit altered
As the branches seemed far away.
She felt something soft below her
And it was the snow covered ground to her utter dismay.

After all the fighting and struggling,
She felt betrayed by herself to have let go.
But as the anger died down, it was puzzling
How comfortable it felt to lie low.

She finally went back to sleep after a while.
Maybe it isn't that important to hold on.
Maybe you don't have to face every trial
And it's okay to rest a little when running the marathon.

- Izzie


A/N: Happy new year guys!!
I really wanted this to be my first poem of 2021 because I thought it described our positions throughout the year. To all the people that are reading this, I hope this year would be better than the last and you'll try to be kinder to yourself.

Thank you so much for reading my book till now and I hope my poems brought a smile to your face and made your day just a bit better.

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