
188 11 10

Our biggest enemy is staring at us from the clock,

For everytime we see, we lose a bit more

And even more passes by the time we look shocked

This time is something we all abhor.

All those tasks scheduled for a day,

By the end, we manage to complete just one

No matter how much we ask and pray

The day ends as soon as it has begun.

With messed up sleep cycles and what not

We still keep up this losing battle.

Always chasing after more time, we forgot

That time is even more cunning than a jackal.

Every hour runs by as minutes 

And every minute races by even faster.

Instead of speeding past the limits 

Taking it slower might be the answer.

It's okay to push all the deadlines

It's okay to put a pause on everything

It's okay to live in the sidelines

For time is what changes winter to spring.

- Izzie

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