My Path

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This day is a new one, not for me

The sky has the same sun, endlessly

Day in, Day out, the same routine

Makes me wonder, "Am I really free?"

Apparently mine's the neatest plan

Then why do I feel like it's too bland?

"Spending the day doing everything you love,

Isn't that enough to be happy of?"

Having a plan is never enough

As it almost never gave me a reason to laugh

Maybe contentment is what I'm missing

But just knowing that is not me winning

Finding out what I love to do

What's interesting enough for me too

That is the path I choose to tread

Even if it's the one filled with dread

- Izzie


*A\N: I know this isn't my best work, but someone told me to never abandon writing just because I hit a blank. That is the only reason I wrote this. If you feel it wasn't worthy of posting, my sincere apologies.*


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