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It wasn't Harry who had answered, it was Ginny. Teddy felt even worse as she would surely batter him over this.

"Umm, hello Aunt Ginny," he said tentatively.

"Teddy? Where are you? What happened? We came back to the Burrow and you were all gone!" She sounded very angry and panicked.

"Well... umm... I don't think I can explain this more than once so you might want to put the phone on speaker so everyone can hear."

Teddy walked through to the living room when Professor Dumbledore indicated that he should. However he was sure that everyone in the street heard his aunt's shout after he had explained what had happened.

"Edward Remus Lupin! How... Why... When..."

"Gin, give me the phone." That was his Uncle Harry. He didn't sound quite as angry as Ginny did though. "Teddy, where are you? Or when are you, I should ask?"

Teddy winced internally. "The day before Christmas Eve 1995."

There were several gasps and exclamations from the other end of the phone line.

"Oh, I bet Lucy's so scared-"

"The poor kids-"

"But-but that was when-"

"Alright, Teddy," Harry said, seemingly shaking himself. "Do you remember what happened in 1995?"


"Good. Have you contacted Dumbledore or anyone else?"

"Yeah, we are in Grimauld Place now."

"Oh, that's alright. Dumbledore should know what to do."

"Teddy?" It was Hermione speaking now. "We will work on finding a way to bring you all back but do any of the others have their phones?"

"I don't think so. It happened really quickly."

"Alright. Check how much charge James's has got because you wont be able to use it once it runs out."

Dread filled Teddy as he swiped the phone and looked at the battery sign. "Its only got 20% left!"

"Ok, let's hang up now. We will phone you if we have an emergency but, otherwise, keep the phone safe and do not use it."

"Alright. Wait, did you want to say hello or something to the kids?"

There seemed to be a mini argument on the other end of the line. "No, save the battery for now."

"Stay safe Teddy," shouted Molly. "Love you all."

The line went dead and Teddy checked the battery again. 19%. That would be alright, for now.

Back in the kitchen, Teddy told everyone everything he had been told. Lucy started sniffling when she realised that they wouldn't be able to talk to their family.

"But they will find a way to get us back, wont they?" Asked Lily, who was looking terrified now.

"I'm sure they will," said Dumbledore, who was surveying the group with an x-ray stare that made Teddy very uncomfortable.

"Right," said Mrs Weasley. "Well it is very late and I suppose that you will all be staying here for the night." She looked to Dumbledore for conformation. He nodded. "Good well... Hmm... How can we fit you all in?"

Once everyone had decided where to sleep, they all headed upstairs. Albus and Hugo were staying with Harry and Ron; James, Fred and Louis were with Fred and George; Rose and Molly were with Hermione and Ginny; Victoire and Dominique were together in an unused bedroom; Roxanne, Lily and Lucy were also in a spare room; and Teddy was with Bill, who was staying over the Christmas break.

It was chaotic trying to find everyone pyjamas that fit (Molly duplicated, shrunk and enlarged several pairs) and get everyone into their respective rooms. Mrs Black's painting, on the First Floor, started screaming on three different occasions. Finally everyone was settled and in bed.

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