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Hermione had gone very, very red. She stared at Rose for a moment longer, then turned her attention to Ron. Mrs. Weasley was already reviving him with a spell.

Ron sat up immediately, looked from Rose to Hermione and back again, then exclaimed, "she looks just like you 'mione. Except the hair of course."

Rose had turned Weasley red as well. Hugo obviously knew that it was his turn, so he stood and said, "Just so you know, I'm her younger brother, Hugo Daniel Granger-Weasley. Please don't faint again Daddy. Oh, I'm 12 and a 2nd year Gryffindor."

Hermione had turned an even deeper shade of red whilst Ron was speechless again.

James clearly decided that he needed to cause some more drama. He said, "sooo... You may want to know my name... I mean, some of you wont but..." Teddy gave him a look. "Anyway, I'm a Gryffindor 5th year and am 15 years old. My name is James Sirius Potter."

Teddy watched Professor Mcgonagall, who had been smiling, turn deathly pale at hearing that name. James obviously saw her too. "Ah, no Minnie. Don't look like that! Its not too bad. There are only three of us this time. Not four." He indicated Fred and Louis who both bowed deeply. Professor Mcgonagall looked close to fainting. "Sorry, I got off course then. I haven't told you my parents yet. Drum roll please." Fred drummed on the table. "Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley!" James said the names in a good impression of someone calling bingo numbers.

Harry stared at the table with wide eyes. Teddy knew that he wouldn't of been too opposed to the idea of marrying Ginny but the idea of all her brothers against him terrified him still in the future.

Harry had a good reason to look terrified. Ron, Fred, George and Bill were all giving him death glares. Ron eventually broke the silence. "Really Harry? You could of had anyone and you chose my baby sister!"

"I'm not a baby Ronald," came Ginny's voice from across the table. She looked a bit flustered but not at all upset by the announcement. "And I can chose whoever I like to marry. And so can Harry." She chanced a glance at her future husband across the table then turned a darker shade of red.

"Don't worry, mum there are more of us!" James said brightly. He forced a reluctant Albus to stand, then sat back down himself.

"Well... my name is... umm... Albus Potter. I'm James younger brother and I'm in my 4th year. I'm 14." He tried to sit back down but James tried to push him back up again, knowing he didn't want to say the rest.

Eventually, James stood up and finished Albus's introduction for him. "What my dearest brother is missing out is his oh so important middle name and Hogwarts house. Let me introduce you too Mr. Albus Severus Potter, the one and only Slytherin Potter."

There were gasps from the whole table at both announcements. Snape actually looked slightly emotional. "You named your son, after me?" He said slowly, looking at Harry.

"I must say, I am deeply moved by your choice in name," Dumbledore added, his eyes twinkling with happiness.

However the others weren't reacting in the same way to the other announcement.

"A Slytherin?"

"He has to be kidding!"

"A Potter in  Slytherin!"

Albus was staring at his lap, looking ashamed, that was until Rose took charge of the situation. "Alright, everyone listen. In our time, Slytherin is no longer an evil house. There are many muggleborns in that house and they are all treated equally. So shut up about my cousin!"

Albus looked at Rose and smiled, though he looked shocked.

A minute later, everyone was quiet again.

"My name is Lily Luna Potter and I'm 12. I'm a 2nd year Gryffindor and I'm the youngest cousin, which sucks." She pouted and Teddy rolled his eyes; he knew that Lily loved being the youngest because it meant that she had most of the attention.

"So, that's all of us lot." Teddy said once Lily had sat back down.

"I can't believe it! We have," Molly did a quick head count, "12 grandchildren! 12!"

Teddy winced internally at this. He was used to being classed as one of the grandkids. However, he realised, nobody here knew of the deaths that had occurred in the second wizarding war. He only hoped it would stay that way.

"So," said Remus, still staring at Teddy, seeming to be in awe. "How are we going to get you lot back? I'm sure your parents are all very worried. "

To Teddy, it seemed like he was implying that he would be worried. As they had yet to tell anyone of the war to come, Teddy could only hope that nobody from the past found out about the deaths.

"Yeah, I'm sure they are," Victoire said, giving Teddy a sympathetic look. "We should figure out a way to contact them. Do any of you have your phones on you?" She looked at the Potters and Granger-Weasleys, who were the only people to have phones, except Teddy who had invested in one after leaving Hogwarts.

There was a mass of shaking heads, except for James, who seemed to be trying to blend into the background. Teddy laughed internally: first time for everything, he thought.

"James, give it here!" He ordered, giving the teen a sharp look. James handed the phone over reluctantly. "Umm... Do any of you know a spell that might make a phone call to the future possible?" He directed the question at the Order, feeling very embarrassed at asking such a question. To his relief, Professor Dumbledore took the phone and cast two non-verbal spells on it before handing it back to Teddy.

Teddy found Uncle Harry's number. The phone rang for about a minute before anyone picked up. Teddy's heart was racing at the thought of the amount of trouble he would be in once it was all over.

"James Sirius Potter! Where are you?"

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