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Looking around, Teddy noticed that everyone was still in the same place and position. They were all looking very confused. Fred opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, a red-haired girl, who could of been Lily's twin had she been a few years younger, rounded the corner. She stopped dead when she saw them. Then she screamed, "MUM!"

The group were even more confused now, however Teddy had a sinking feeling in his stomach; he was almost certain he knew what had happened now and that girl was proving his suspicions.

A moment later, a stern looking red-haired woman rounded the corner, with he wand drawn. As soon as she spotted her, Lily screamed, "Grandma!" And ran straight into her arms.

"Ginny?" Molly Weasley asked, clearly worried about her daughter. "What did you just call me? Why did you-?" She stopped midsentence, spotting her actual daughter standing, shell shocked, in front the group. She pushed Lily away and pulled her wand out again, pointing it at her future family. She then pulled actual Ginny behind her. "Who are you all? What do you want?"

"Please, you have to listen Gra- Mrs. Weasley." Teddy said, holding his hands up to indicate that he was no threat. "This may take some explaining, but first, do you mind telling me the date."

Molly stared at him. Teddy stared back, not even trying to cover the anxiety that was filling him.

Molly eventually gave in and said in a very cold voice, "It's the 23rd of December. Now follow me downstairs and we can discuss more. Hang on... First, you all need to give me your wands." She held our her hand.

Once all their wands had been given to Molly, everyone made their way down the stairs. "I'm sorry," said Teddy. "But we still dont know the exact date. Do you mind telling us the year?" He asked this very tentatively, not wanting the younger children to panic.

Mrs Weasley fixed him with yet another hard stare but replied, "It's 1995."

Lily and Roxanne gasped and Lucy let out a sob. They had traveled back in time, 25 years! And, to add to the shock, the most evil wizard of all time was at large at that they moment. Teddy felt his heart plummet even further.

"Now, explain," the Weasley mother ordered once everyone was sat either at the table or on the floor.

Teddy took a deep breathe: he knew that he would have to explain. "Well.. you see... the thing is..."

"What Teddy means to say is that we are from the future," said Rose, giving him a hard stare.

The two Weasley's from the past  looked shocked and suspicious. A moment later, Kingsley Shacklebolt walked into the room, looking very tired and not in a very good mood. As soon as he saw the strangers in the room, he drew his wand.

After Kingsley had been filled in on all that had happened so far, he agreed to sit and talk with the group. Teddy gave all of the younger teens a look that said, 'don't say anything.'

"So, you claim that you are from the future, do you?" Kingsley said. "Tell me then, how did you end up here?"

"Well Mr. Shacklebolt, you see there were previous... complications with a timeturner." Albus turned bright red and looked at his feet. "And somehow, we still had hold of it. There was a mini fight between... well some of us and the timeturner was involved and then well... it broke and we ended up here."

Kingsley surveyed them all for any trace of a lie on any of their faces. Finally, he said, "I believe you but I do believe that we need to get Dumbledore involved in this, if we are to get you home."

Teddy's heart leapt at the thought of meeting the real-life Dumbledore; from all that he had heard about him, Teddy was sure that he would have a way of sending them home.

About 5 minutes later, Albus Dumbledore exited the Burrow fireplace and raised his eyebrows at the size of the group.

"Quite a lot of you, isn't there!" He remarked. "Right well, I think that, before we ask any more questions, we should head to the main headquarters to hold the meeting in front of some of the Order."

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