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Once at Grimauld place, the group discovered that Mrs. Weasley and Ginny had only been at the Burrow to pick up a few things that they had left behind before the holidays. The whole group of Weasleys were actually staying at the 'headquarters', as everyone was calling it.

The group were sat together at the overcrowded kitchen table. A few members of the Order plus the current Hogwarts students who were staying there, sat staring at them. The whole group was incredibly uncomfortable mainly due to the company they were in (many of the current Order were dead and most of the group had at least one parent present.)

The silence was finally broken by a man who could only be Sirius Black. "So," he said. "Are you going to tell us your names?"

Dumbledore had filled everyone who needed to know, in on all the details of their arrival and had assured everyone that anyone with any knowledge of the events happening would be obliverated after the group had left.

Teddy surveyed the future teens and decided to take the lead. He stood up.

"I'm not too sure how much you want to know but my name is Teddy." He didn't really want to continue, mainly because both his parents, whom he had never met, were in the crowd watching him.

"Go on, Teddy." Said Remus, encouragingly. "Who are your parents? How old are you? What was your Hogwarts house? Do you have a job?"

"Well... I'm 22 years old. I was in Hufflepuff and I'm now a professor at Hogwarts, teaching potions. Umm... and my parents are..." He faultered again but cleared his throat and said quickly, "Remus and Tonks."

Everyone seemed astonished. Sirius suddenly punched Remus playfully on the arm and said, "You knocked up my baby cousin! I'll have you for that!"

Tonks had turned her hair a bright shade of red, probably not something she had done consciously. Remus was staring at Teddy and seemed lost for words. Finally he spoke, "Are... are you a-?"

"Werewolf? No. I'm a metamorphmagus though!" He changed his hair from its usual turquoise to a light brown, to match his fathers.

After a minute or two, everyone recovered enough for the next introduction to be made. Victoire decided to go next.

"I'm Victoire Apolline Weasley. I'm 20 and was a Ravenclaw but now I'm a healer at St. Mungos. My parents are Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour." As she said this she stared straight at her father. Bill looked embarrassed but not at all upset. Teddy knew that he would have met Fleur at the Twiwizard Tournament.

At this announcement, Mrs. Weasley had squealed with delight and seemed to be holding herself back from running to give Victoire a hug. She was muttering excitedly, "Grandchildren! We have Grandchildren!"

Everyone calmed down again, eventually. "I'm Dominique Isabelle Weasley. I'm Victoire's sister and I'm 18. I left Hogwarts last year and was in Ravenclaw. I'm training to be a curse breaker like you dad." Bill turned an even darker shade of red at Dom's words. Fred and George both gave him looks that said that he had most definitely not heard the end of this.

"I'm Louis Cedric Weasley and I'm the younger brother of both of them," he indicated both of the older girls. Bill put his head in his hands as Fred and George laughed madly. "I'm 16 years old and am a Gryffindor 6th year."

Everyone seemed to be in a good mood now. They were getting lots of good news about the future, despite Voldemort being on the rise.

That, however, might of all been about to change. "I'm Molly Cedrella Weasley and I'm 17. I'm a Ravenclaw 6th year and my parents are Percy and Audrey Weasley." At this, Molly Weasley (senior) let out a howl like a wounded puppy.

Teddy suddenly remembered what had happened previously with Percy. His Uncle Harry had mentioned it briefly whilst explaining everything that had happened in the war. Thank goodness Arthur wasn't there. He knew that he needed to say something, quickly, before everything turned to chaos. "He apologised a lot for everything and..." He racked his head for what Uncle Percy had told him personally. "He told me that his biggest regret was, and I quote 'letting my big head get in the way of my family.'"

Mrs. Weasley looked appreciative of his effort and was a lot calmer now. She smiled at him.

"My name is Lucy Audrey Weasley and I am Molly's sister." Mumbled Lucy, she was very shy and hardly ever spoke up in front of anyone outside of the family. "I'm a 2nd year Hufflepuff and am 12."

There was no more reaction to this but Molly (senior) smiled weakly at the girl to let her know that she was ok.

"Anyway..." Said Fred after a moments pause. "I'm the famous Fred Alexander Weasley ıı. I'm the son of George Weasley and Angelina Johnson and I'm a 5th year Gryffindor. I'm 15."

Fred (senior) and George both looked astonished. Then, with a glint in his eye, Fred smacked George around the face. "That's for stealing my girlfriend," he said. And then kissed his twin's cheek. "And that was for giving your son the best name possible."

"So many Grandchildren! We have so many Grandchildren!" Molly exclaimed.

"I'm Fred's sister, Roxanne Grace Weasley. I'm 13 and a 2nd year Hufflepuff."

"Yet another cool name! I'm impressed brother!" Said Fred to his red-faced twin.

Teddy almost laughed when he saw who was about to speak. He couldn't wait to see his Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron's reaction to the fact that they had a daughter and a son.

"I'm Rose Minerva Granger-Weasley. I'm 14 and a Ravenclaw 4th year. My parents are Ron and Hermione." She indicated the pair sat next to each other opposite her.

Ron fainted.

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