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There were three mattresses on the floor of Fred and George's room for James, Fred (jr.) and Louis. As they all got into bed and turned the main light off, George switched the bedside lamp on.

"So, spill," said the twins together.

"Well, what do you wanna know?" Asked James.

"Everything," the twins said again.

"What happens to us?" Said George.

"Is there a war?" Asked Fred.

"Does anyone die?"

"Are you like the Maurauders or something?"

"Am I a good dad?"

"Where are my kids?"

James, Fred jr. and Louis exchanged a look of horror at the last question. How were they meant to tell their Uncle that he died in the near future?

Deciding to answer the easiest question first, Fred said, "let us introduce ourselves properly. Meet the Maurauders 2.0." The three of them bowed from where they sat on their beds.

"We are determined to cause as much or more trouble than the original Maurauders and you two combined," James added.

"Cool," the twins said simultaneously.

"Although you'll never beat us, I'm sure," George winked.

"Right so, umm..." James stumbled, not sure what to say.

"What happens to us?" Fred repeated their question from before.

James bit his lip, unsure what to say. Louis spoke up after a few seconds. "Well, next year I think it was... you both will open a joke shop called Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, which is totally epic! But the war lasts until 1998, but Uncle Harry will win against Voldemort in the final battle."

The twins gasped as he spoke the name but Louis just shrugged. "The name isn't much of a big deal after the war. Uncle Harry, Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione started this big thing about how refusing to call him Voldemort is basically letting him win. Nobody calls him 'You know who' or 'He who must not be named' anymore."

The twins looked almost thoughtful for a moment before speaking again. "So, you didn't really answer our question," Fred said. "What happens to us?"

Luckily, before any of them could speak, Mrs. Weasley opened the door and told them all off for talking.

"Turn that light off now. I dont want to hear another peak from here."

As she left, George mumbled, "like no-one else is talking." But he obeyed and they all went to sleep.


Albus and Hugo had settled down on their lumpy mattresses and Hugo seemed prepared to go to sleep when Ron turned the light and asked, "are you really my son?"

Hugo blinked twice then said, "yeah, I mean I think so." Albus rolled his eyes at his younger cousin.

"He is and yes Hermione is his mum," he said as Ron opened his mouth to surely ask that question.

"Wow, I can't believe it." Ron stared at the floor for a moment, his ears turning red.

"So, what's the future like?" Harry asked.

"Cool!" Hugo said before Albus could speak. "Mum's the Minister for Magic now and you work in a joke shop dad."

"Oh, umm, cool I guess." Ron didn't look that enthusiastic about his career choice.

"What do I do?" Harry asked.

"You're Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement," Albus said before Hugo could answer. "But you and Ron both used to be Aurors."

They were silent for a while before Harry asked, "what happens in the war? I mean, I suppose we win, dont we?" He looked slightly worried.

"Yeah, you win, Uncle Harry." Hugo grinned proudly. "You helped too, dad, and mum did. You're known as the Golden Trio."

Ron grinned at that and Harry seemed satisfied. Ron opened his mouth to ask something else when they heard a shriek from the floor below them.


As they lay with the lights switched off, Hermione and Ginny started quizzing Rose and Molly on everything. Molly was slightly averse to opening up about much and stopped Rose from telling them everything.

"So, what do we do in the future?" Hermione asked. They had already found out everything Molly wanted them too about the war (they knew nothing of any of the deaths that would take place over the next few years) but were still eager to learn more.

"Well," Rose started. "Mum, last year you became Minister for Magic-"

"What?!" Ginny exclaimed excitedly as Hermione's jaw dropped. "Minister for Magic that's... Wow Hermione!"

They all fell silent for a moment as they heard footsteps outside. The door opened and they all pretended to be asleep as Mrs. Weasley poked her head in. When they heard the footsteps receding, they started talking again.

"Am I really the... But... What?" Hermione seemed lost for words.

Rose smiled. "Yes mum, you are. We had this massive party to celebrate. Everyone came and-"

"They get the idea Rosie," Molly said impatiently.

"What do I do?" Ginny asked, clearly excited.

"You're the sports correspondent for the Daily Prophet," Molly said. "But you were the Seeker for the Holyhead Harpies, before James was born."

"Oh wow!" Ginny seemed amazed by this news, even more so than Hermione did by hers.

"So, what do the others do?" Hermione asked after a minute of silence.

"Uncle Harry is the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement," Molly said. "And Uncle Ron used to be an Auror, with Harry, but he now works with Uncle George in Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Also-"

"Wait, why doesn't Fred work there too?" Ginny asked suspiciously.

Both Rose and Molly's hearts dropped They both knew that they would have to tell them now.

However, neither of them spoke and into the silence, Hermione gasped loudly in horror.

"He didn't... no... no..."

Molly nodded then, realising that they couldn't see her, said, "He did."

Ginny gave a horrible squeak and seemed to start crying. They heard a loud thump from that side of the room. Hermione reached to put the light on and Rose and Molly sat awkwardly on their mattresses.

Ginny was on the floor with her hand over her mouth, tears streaming down her face. "No... Fred... No..."

Hermione went to help her up but gave up after realising that Ginny wasn't going to help. Instead she sat next to her and put her arm around her future sister-in-law. After a moment, Rose joined them. Then Molly.

Ginny just kept mumbling, "Fred... Fred..."

They were obviously making too much noise as a few moments later, Mrs. Weasley opened the door again. "Girls, really. I would have thought that you would be more sensible than- Ginny what's wrong?" Her face showed concern for her daughter.

Molly and Rose panicked, neither wanting to tell their Grandma that one of her sons was going to die soon. Luckily (or not so luckily) Ginny mumbled, "Fred... he... d-dies..." She burst into a fresh batch of tears. Rose knew that she hardly ever cried and felt terrible for making her so upset.

Mrs. Weasley had gone very pale and looked close to fainting. Molly and Rose stood from their place next to Ginny and went to make her sit on Hermione's bed, just in case. She seemed to be in shock.

"Grandma?" Rose said tentatively.

"FRED!" She wailed very loudly and unexpectedly. Everyone jumped, even Ginny. Footsteps sounded on the stairs and suddenly the room was full of people trying to see what was wrong.

Harry, Ron, Albus and Hugo burst in first then Fred and George apparated. Teddy and Bill arrived next and after a quick look at Mrs. Weasley and Ginny, Teddy knew exactly what had happened and dreaded the conversation that was about to take place.

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