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Remus and Tonks were staring at him, his mother with tears in her eyes. They all knew that they would soon be parted and, in Teddy's case, this would be forever.

"Oh Teddy," his mother said, pulling him into a hug. Remus joined after a moment and Teddy froze, wanting the moment to last forever. The room seemed to go quiet and the three of them were the only ones there. A family finally reunited.

It could of been an hour but it seemed like no time at all when Tonks and Remus drew away, both smiling watery smiles, still looking directly at him.

"I miss you both everyday," Teddy said, his voice barely above a whisper. He tried to swallow his tears: he couldn't be weak with so many people around to see. He failed and broke down again. His shoulders shook and he sunk to the ground as his mother too let out a sob and joined him on the floor.

Teddy was vaguely aware of movement around him, as everyone filed out to give the three of them space and privacy.

He kept his head bowed for a moment as his father sat on the floor with them. He no longer had his smile in place and looked grave as he placed a strong, scarred hand on Teddy's shoulder. His mother placed an arm around him. Teddy suddenly realised, with yet another wave of despair, that Tonks was only a year or 2 older than him.

The family stayed like that for a long time.


It was Roxanne who spotted them first. She nudged Molly who put a hand to her mouth and indicated to their Grandma that they needed to leave Teddy, Remus and Tonks alone. Mrs Weasley hurried everyone out and into the kitchen.

Victoire sat close to the door in the kitchen, worrying about Teddy. She hadn't thought about how hard it was going to be on him when they had first arrived. After meeting his parents for the first time, he had to say goodbye after less than a day. It really wasn't fair.

Teddy was always strong for everyone else. Being the oldest 'cousin', he had to be. He rarely cried but was always sympathetic when somebody else did. She had fallen in love with him before either of them knew it. It had been her 4th year, Teddy's 6th, when she had first seen him as more than a friend. They had first kissed in her 5th year but hadn't shared their relationship until just before her 7th year, although Louis had found out before then but had been sworn to secrecy.

She loved Teddy so much and wanted to help him. The problem was, he hadn't cried for so long that she just didnt know how.

About 20 minutes later, the three of them walked in. Teddy had slightly red eyes but had changed his hair back to its usual turquoise. He smiled weakly at Victoire then went to stand in the corner.

It was now about 10.45 so they had 15 minutes before they could to leave. Victoire tried and failed to get everyone's attention but Fred heard her and shouted loudly, "Oi! We leave in 15 minutes! Everyone from the future in the living room!"

The following 10 minutes were very chaotic. Everyone was running around, saying goodbye. Some were crying, some laughing and Teddy just kept his head down and didn't speak.

Dumbledore arrived at some point and promised to keep everyone from the past away from the living room and to oblivarate them all, including himself, once they had left. Nobody knew how they were actually going to get home and Teddy seemed to be holding James's phone tightly in his hands.

Suddenly the phone rang, playing a stupid song which filled the room. Many people jumped at the volume and the twins burst out laughing. Teddy had obviously turned the sound up so he wouldn't miss any calls.

Teddy answered the phone.

"Hello?... Yes we're ready, how's it happening... Alright... Yes... See you soon... Bye..." He hung up and saw everyone staring at him. "They're ready. It will happen at exactly 11."

Teddy slung off quickly to say a final goodbye to his parents whilst Victoire  and Dominique rounded everyone up and did a head count. When Teddy entered again he seemed slightly more cheerful although he was still obviously upset. He was clutching the broken timeturner in his hand so hard that it would probably leave an indent.

"Right," said Victoire. "We have exactly 2 minutes before we need to leave. Do we have everything?" There were a few nods. Everyone from the present said goodbye and finally, it was only the future kids and Dumbledore in the room together. Dumbledore gave Teddy a sympathetic smile before starting to talk.

"Is there anything, any tiny detail that may of been changed since your arrival? Anything at all?" Everyone shook their heads, though few of them realised just how serious the situation was. Dumbledore gave them all an x-ray look then, when he seemed satisfied, nodded and said, "I do believe we have less than a minute left so I shall leave now. Goodbye." With that, he left the room and the teens stood in silence for a moment.

Suddenly a now slightly familiar feeling of being everything being spun around and around came upon them all. Then they were home.

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