14| she knows now

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Third POV

"Jonah has a huge crush on you."

When 11 year old Svea said that, she didn't know what she had just caused. Jonah knew that Svea had spilled secrets to Kenzie before and that was why he only told Esther about his feelings for Kenzie.

Somehow without the two siblings knowing, Svea found out about her brother's feelings and wasn't even scared to tell Kenzie what she had found out.

"What?" Kenzie asked the young girl in front of her, wanting to make sure that what she had heard wasn't wrong.

"Jonah, he likes you." The sweet girl innocently answered before playing with the water again.

Kenzie stayed quiet as her heart began to race. Her mind was only filled with one question.

He likes me?

Daniel on the other hand when he heard what the little girl had said, instantly snapped out of his staring session at Josie and abruptly turned his head towards the two girls. Panic rushed through his body when he realized that his best friend found out his other best friend's biggest secret.

"What? That's not true. What are you talking about, Svea?" He instantly took action, trying to deny the statement as he nervously sat up.

Kenzie confusedly looked at the older boy, her heart begging that Svea wasn't only joking with her.

"Uhh yeah it is. Why would I lie about something like that?" Svea denied back at Daniel, her tone was serious as she spoke.

Kenzie briefly glanced at Svea before moving her gaze back to Daniel who was now panicking and she noticed it.

"Daniel…" she said as Daniel's heart raced faster, "is that true?"

"No. No it's not. Jonah doesn't like you, he never liked you like that," The brunette said fastly, too fast that it made Kenzie more sure that the boy in front of her was panicking.

"Daniel, please. Please tell me the truth." She begged him as she looked into his ocean blue eyes that are fearfully looking back at her chocolate brown ones.

"T-that is the truth. I-I wouldn't lie to you." Daniel stuttered which made Kenzie more suspicious of him.

"Yeah. You wouldn't lie to me. So tell me," Kenzie shot back at him, both of their hearts raced faster for different reasons.

Daniel was panicking more than ever while Kenzie was believing the little girl's statement which made their hearts beat faster.

"T-tell you what? I know that what she said wasn't true 'cause Jonah never told me." Daniel lied, still holding eye contact with the younger girl.

"Dude, you're so bad at lying." Svea commented before she walked away from the two teens, running back into the house.

"She's right you know, I can tell when you're laying, Daniel." Kenzie sighed.

The brunette sighed, compromising if he should give up or not as he looked down from her eyes. Kenzie knows that Svea spilled truths before so she highly doubted that Svea was lying. Besides, why would she lie about something like that?

"So it's true." Kenzie softly said, making Daniel look back up at her again.

"Jonah...has feelings for me." She couldn't even believe the words that were coming out of her own mouth.

But those words have always been a fantasy to her, a dream that she'd always wanted to be true. and apparently, it is actually true.

Daniel didn't respond. He didn't want to lie anymore. So he decided to just stay quiet. There's no going back now.

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