09| kissed him back

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Louise's POV


I turned my head and saw a particular blond boy standing behind me.

"Yes, Corbyn?"

"Do you have a minute?" He asked, his voice laced with nervousness.


He grabbed my hand and walked with me to the backyard. I could feel my cheeks lightly heating up from the sudden action. When we reached the backyard, he let go of my hand and stood in front of me.

"I know that you're probably mad at me for lying to you, I know you hate liars," Corbyn nervously said before he continued, "I just wanted to tell you something and...chickened out."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You could tell me, Corbyn, you could tell me anything," I said, looking into his eyes which were avoiding mine.

"Listen, Louise," he stopped. "I-I have always liked you since we met. It's okay if you don't like me back I understand," he quickly admitted.

I stood there, shocked at his words. All I did was stare at him. He liked me too.

He finally looked into my eyes, waiting for a response while I was still shocked at his confession and couldn't react, his words kept on replaying inside my head. His face slowly changed from nervous to disappointment and hurt.

"I-I knew it," he sadly stuttered and started to walk away but I quickly caught up to him.

"I like you too," I confessed.

He turned his head, his eyes filled with shock and hope.

"Y-you like me too?" He asked hopefully.

I nodded my head and before I knew it, he smashed his lips against mine. I didn't waste a second and instantly kissed him back.

My mind went blank and butterflies filled my stomach as my lips moved perfectly with his. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer while I brought my hands up to his neck.

We slowly pulled away, soft smiles both plastered on our faces as we looked straight into each other's eyes. He put his index finger under my chin and lifted my head up, connecting his lips with mine again for a sweet kiss before we both pulled away.

"So, would you go on a date with me?" He asked softly, looking into my eyes.

I nodded before pulling him in for another kiss.

Kenzie's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and felt my covers covering my body. Confused, I looked around the room and realized that I was sleeping in my room. Wait, did I even sleep here last night?

I sat up and rubbed my eyes before picking up my phone and looked at the time.

10:12 AM.

Someone must've brought me up here and closed the curtains as well. I removed the covers and slowly stood up before walking over to the windows and opened the curtains to let the morning light in.

Walking out to my balcony while breathing in the fresh morning air has always been one of my favorite things. A whole new day is ahead of me. I will make new memories and hopefully new experiences.

After a while on my balcony, I decided to go downstairs to see what the others are up to. I walked down the stairs and saw Alex, Josie, and Danielle on the couch eating breakfast. I looked at the kitchen and saw the boys and Liam messing around with each other.

Wait, where are Corbyn and Louise?

I walked towards the girls, "do you guys know where Corbyn and Louise are?"

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