13| the frantzichs

18 2 3

Kenzie's POV
June 16, 2018

Last night when I peeked through my closet and caught a glimpse of a navy colored gift box that was kept behind a bunch of clothes, I became excited but also nervous at the same time.

I didn't know if he would like the present that I gave him. It was a bracelet with his family and his initials written on it that I bought about two weeks ago. It was simple but hopefully special.

Right now, the navy colored box was in my hands as I sat on the passenger seat in Josie's car. We were heading to the boys' house to obviously celebrate Jonah's birthday.

He told us that he didn't want to have any parties and just wanted to celebrate his 20th birthday with us. Yes, there will be no parties but there will be a surprise waiting for him.

We invited his whole family to come to LA so we can celebrate his birthday with his family too. Obviously, Jonah doesn't know that they're coming. So I'm excited to see his reaction when he sees his family, even Zebulon is coming. Me and the girls are so excited to see them again since we're very close with his family.

Little did I know that a surprise would be waiting for me too.

"Okay, don't laugh! Especially you, Dani!" Josie warned as she drove us towards the boys' house.

"Me!? Why me!?" Danielle, who sat behind me, asked the gray-eyed girl.

"You always laugh in these situations, you laugh at your own jokes for God's sake!" Josie laughed as she kept her eyes focused on the street.

"Okay geez, I won't…hopefully," Danielle doubtfully said.

"Oi! Don't you dare ruin this!" Alex nudged the girl who sat beside her.

We wanted to pretend that we forgot his birthday only a few minutes after we arrived, not the whole day or anything. Danielle is the one who usually laughs at everything, she reminds me of Niall Horan.

That boy...is hot as fuck. His accent, like what.

Okay sorry.

She is usually the one who laughs in the first 5 seconds when we do a try not to laugh challenge, or when we prank the boys. She sometimes ruins everything that we planned by laughing not even a minute after we started the prank. But luckily, most of the time she holds back, like the last prank we did on the boys yesterday.

The car came to a stop when we reached the boys' house. We all enthusiastically got out of the car, each of our presents in our bags so that Jonah wouldn't know that we even brought one.

When we reached the front door, I pushed open the large wooden doors and walked in with the others behind me. My eyes were instantly met with a pair of beautiful blue-green ones. He was standing alone by a large window in the living room, a cup of coffee in his hands and a small frown played on his lips.

He stood far away from the other boys who were on the couch casually eating breakfast. The poor boy most probably disappointed that his best friends didn't say happy birthday to him whatsoever.

"What's up bitches!" Alex enthusiastically yelled, greeting the boys and completely ignoring the gloomy birthday boy.

Poor Jojo I feel so bad for him.

"Aye! Dani made pancakes, they're on the kitchen island," Corbyn said to all of us as he stood up and hugged Louise.

"Thanks, Dani!" I said to Daniel as we walked towards the kitchen. From my peripheral vision, I saw Jonah's frown grew as he turned his head away from us. Poor boy.

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