05| jealous

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Corbyn's POV

I hate myself. Why can't I just say it? Oh yeah, maybe she'll actually stop being friends with me and everything would just be so awkward between us and that we'll never talk to each other again.

I want to say it. But everytime, my tongue gets tied, the words get trapped.

I just really don't want to ruin our friendship. But at the same time, I want to be more than just friends.

She's the most gorgeous human being I've ever known. On the outside and on the inside.

An argument with Jordan? Oh my gosh, Corbyn, you're so stupid.

I was walking on the sidewalk, my head hanging low, not knowing where I'm heading. I was so lost in thought about the previous event. I didn't want to go back home.

I know the boys would just only make me feel worse about how I'm such a coward. I've had a huge crush on Louise for a long time, since I saw her for the first time. It maybe even passed the liking point.

The boys always knew about my feelings for her, and they've always encouraged me to ask her out. But I was always too shy and now it's too late because she thinks of me as her best friend.

I sighed before looking up. I realized that I walked all the way to mine and Louise's favorite Cafe.

That's a weird coincidence.

I decided to go in. I pushed open the entrance door and walked inside. There're not too many people in here, as usual. Which is why it's mine and Louise's favorite place. Calm and quiet.

I ordered my drink before sitting at the booth where we would usually sit at. I put my head on the table, sighed, and closed my eyes.

Hopefully she won't call Jordan to ask what's going on.

Louise's POV

I decided to call Jordan to ask what's going on between Corbyn and him. If something happened that made Corbyn angry or sad or anxious, I would always try to help. It makes me worried seeing him like that.

I was still sat on the park bench. I was still confused as to why the boys sent those texts.

What do they mean by rejected?

But I quickly shrugged the thought off, there is a more important thing I need to think about.

I pulled out my phone, unlocked it, before dialling Jordan's number. I pressed my phone against my ear and waited. After 4 rings, Jordan picked up.

"Hey, Louise, what's up?" Jordan answered.

"Hey, what are you doing right now?"

"Nothing. Just watching Netflix. Why?"

"Just want to know. So um, I want to ask you something."

"I knew you didn't call me for no reason. What is it?"

"What happened between you and Corbyn if you don't mind me asking?"

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