10| tickle fight

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Danielle's POV

"Finally!" Alex shouted before running towards the couch and harshly plopped on it.

"Girl, chill," I said, taking off my jacket.

"I stayed up until at least 6 AM and woke up 4 hours later. Sorry, but I'm tired as hell," Alex said, pulling her bucket hat off her head and put it beside her.

"Geez, what the hell were you doing staying up that late?" Josie asked, sitting down next to her.

"Not gonna lie, I was actually really into the movies. Even though I watched them over a thousand times already." Alex responded.

"Okay. Can y'all come over here for a sec? I need to tell y'all something," Josie said, looking at me, Kenzie, and Louise.

We all sat on the couch and looked at her, waiting for her to say what she wanted to say.

"So, This morning, I woke up cuddling with Daniel," Josie said before she continued, "then he pulled me closer and put his head on mine."

"Oh yeah, I know. Last night, you guys were already cuddling and Daniel even blushed when he saw that you were cuddled up to him," Louise said.

Josie just stared at the ground, not knowing how to respond to Louise's explanation.

"He...might like you, Jo," I slowly said.

The other girls nodded at my comment, agreeing at the possibility while Josie just stared at me, not knowing how to respond.

"Oh and also, Jonah brought you to your room earlier when you were still asleep," Louise said, looking over at Kenzie.

"He did? That explains," Kenzie said, blushing madly. She wasn't even trying to hide it 'cause she knew that it was normal for us.

"Okay, Jonah has done that many times before. But Daniel, he wouldn't have pulled you closer like that if he doesn't like you. I mean as more than a friend," I said genuinely.

Josie just looked up at me and looked back down at the floor.

"Okay. Let's just get that off of our mind for now. We need to write." Alex sighed after a few seconds of silence, running up the stairs to get some papers.

We started writing our 3rd album since April and it's going pretty well. We just need to write two more songs and we'll be ready for tour in a few months.

"Alright. Let's go," Josie finally spoke, standing up from the couch to get her guitar.


6 and a half hours have passed by and we managed to finish writing a whole song. We were pretty proud of it and I think that the fans would love it.

"Alright, it's five-thirty. We should get ready to go to the boys house," Louise said.

"Alright," I said, standing up and stretched.

"I'm going to put this in my room. C'mon girls, let's not keep the boys waiting," Kenzie said, standing up from the couch.

"Kay! Hold up." Josie stretched, quickly standing up. She then walked up the stairs, the others including me following.


Kenzie pulled up in front of the boys's house. I opened the car door and climbed out. I closed the door and walked up to the front door with the rest following, the cool air brushed my skin.

Without knocking, I opened the door and went into the kitchen. My eyes went wide and what I saw made my heart drop. Zach was laying on the ground with a kitchen stool laid near him. I instantly rushed towards my best friend.

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