03| "Guys, meet my bandmates"

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September 2016
Louise's POV

Today is the day we will be meeting Jonah's bandmates. We thought about looking at their Instagrams first but we decided it would be best to see them for the first time in person. So we have no idea what they look like.

We did thought of why Jonah didn't send us a picture of them but we didn't ask because we wanted it to be a surprise anyway.

I just finished dressing myself. I wore a white cropped top, a pair of blue skinny jeans, and a pair of white vans. Simple but decent.

I grabbed my purse and looked at myself in the mirror one last time.

Lookin' good Lou.

I opened my door and walked out of my room. I closed the door and walked down the stairs. I saw Josie, Kenzie, and Alex sitting on our couch. I joined them and sat beside Alex.

"Jonah is nearby," Kenzie said, moving her gaze from her phone to us.

"Dani! Are you ready yet?" Kenzie yelled through the house.

"Coming!" Dani yelled. We soon heard a door open and close and footsteps going down the stairs.

"I'm ready," Dani said.

Right after she said that, we heard a car honk. We all stood up and practically ran to the front door.

"Bye Liam!" I yelled through the house.

"Have fun and stay safe!" I heard Liam responded and then I walked out the door.

I saw a car parked in front of our house. The drivers seat door opened and a head popped out.

"JOJO!" We all yelled and ran towards him.

He got out of the car and we all tackled him into a group hug.

"Hey guys! I missed you all!" Jonah chuckled.

We pulled out of the hug.

"So are we just gonna go to your house or?" Josie asked, confused of what the plan is for today.

"Well, I was thinking about going to a cafe to eat breakfast first. You know, to catch up as a gang," Jonah said.

"Yeah sure. We were thinking about skipping breakfast to meet your friends but okay." Alex agreed.

"Great. Let's go."


Jonah pulled up in front of a beautiful house.

"Here we are," Jonah said, turning off the car before looking back at us.

"Wow. Your house is nice," Dani commented.

"Thanks, c'mon," Jonah said opening his door and getting out of the car.

We all got out of the car and started walking towards the front door.

"Guys, we're here," Jonah yelled opening the front door.

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