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guys I'm depressed and craving french toast

The drive back to the penthouse was painfully silent. The entire ride there, I could tell that Niklaus wanted to say something but there was nothing he could put into words, simply watching me once we got out of the car and walked back to the room. The second we entered the room, I laid across the soft L-shaped couch and closed my eyes, covering my face with my blanket.

"Hey," Nik softly murmured, kneeling in front of the couch and running a hand up and down my back. "You wanna talk about it, love?"

"I'm Not really," I grumbled back. "There's not much to talk about, anyway. My father's a psycho and I'm going to kill him for murdering so many innocent people, then using me and Ryder to blindly do the same for him. And, on top of that, he's been abusing me and my brother—all of this pent up anger is really nice motive."

Niklaus sighed, kissing my shoulder gently. "I'm sorry you had to find out like this, baby, I really am."

I sighed, finally turning my head to face him. "I'm happy that you told me and not anyone else, though."

Hearing that, he smiled and kissed my lips gently. I slowly smiled, running a hand through his thick hair as he pulled away, only to kiss down my neck slowly.

"I know a few ways to put you in a better mood," he mumbled against my skin, making me moan softly at the mere thought of what he had in mind. "If you're up for it, of course."

I gasped when he spun me around so I was on my back, his leg between my legs while his hand moved to my neck. He squeezed it firmly and I moaned, my eyes closing on their own accord.

"What do you say, kitten?" He muttered, leaning down until his lips brushed over mine. My lips parted and I lifted my hips up slightly, moaning when my core met his leg.

"Yes, please," I whimpered, sighing when I felt his thumb on one side of my jaw, the other side held by his forefinger and middle finger tightly. "Y-you've been rough lately."

Niklaus hummed quietly, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. "I can stop if you—"

I shook my head, biting my lip to fight off my grin. "I like it."

He chuckled huskily and I squealed when he pulled me up from the couch, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Figured," he said and smirked at me, then kissed me roughly as he guided the both of us to the bedroom.

The second he dropped me on the bed, Nik became animalistic. I gasped as he grabbed my ankles and pulled me to the edge of the bed, his hand moving to my neck and squeezing it firmly before pressing his lips to mine. I moaned immediately, moving my hands to his cheeks only to have them pin them above my head.

"Don't start this," I whined out, feeling him smirk against my lips.

"If you move your hands, I'm gonna spank your ass red," he warned me as he waited for my hands to grip the headboard.

"If that's your idea of a threat, it's not very good," I breathed back as I held the headboard, hearing him chuckle and pull away. I moaned when his lips moved to my neck, then his tongue met my flesh briefly.

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