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I loved writing this book

"The amount of bullshit that comes out of your two's mouths would make me think you are your father," I muttered to myself as I struggled to get away from the two twenty-year-olds following me around the house.

I could only thank the gods that they agreed to stay at home while attending college because I know that my heart wouldn't be able to take watching them pack their shit and leave for four years. But that didn't mean I couldn't complain when they started to fuck around like a bunch of teenagers.

"Dad says much worse than we do, Ma," Mason corrected, wincing when his brother smacked the back of his head.

"You're not helping, idiot," Evan said, then turned to me. "Listen, we just think that having Maizie going out to this party is a good idea."

"Why?" I immediately asked, turning away from the stove and narrowing my eyes at them.

"Because she should be focusing on school," Mason was quick to respond, to which his twin nodded.

"Oh," I laughed, crossing my arms, "you mean the way you two were always focusing on school at parties and getting drunk with your friends?"

Evan opened his mouth to object but I was quick to shut it down.

"Maizie is a straight-A student," I started off, "she's the captain of almost every sport's team, and she's also an innocent fucking angel because her brothers think that it's fun to keep her away from anything but school. So, if you're scared for her to get wasted and party then you should be because I said she could go as a reward for being such an amazing daughter and student.

"She's eighteen, not five," I then said, "you'll just have to accept that."

I leaned against the counter and raised an eyebrow at the two. I could tell that they wanted to say something when my seventeen-year-old, Tyson, slid down the railing of the stairs.

"Mom! I don't think Mai should go out—"

"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered, turning back to the stove. "You three and your father are all such a handful. Fuck off, I'm cooking."

The three of them groaned out, calling me in hopes that I'd finally give in. However, being the queen of ignoring annoying people, I don't  let it faze me. I can't help but thank God when the front door opened, Niklaus walking through. He set his briefcase on the couch and grinned, greeting his kids.

"Dad, Dad, Dad," Tyson spoke up, the three boys finally leaving me alone to convince Niklaus to change my mind. "You need to tell Mum that Mai can't go out tonight."

Immediately, Nik met my glaring look.

"I already had this talk with her last night, Ty," Niklaus told him sternly. "If anything, I agree with her."

I hummed, finally looking away from him. I know he didn't agree with me but after a very long convincing talk last night, he finally gave in. See? Working out and being active comes in handy at any age.

"But... but she's..."

"Old enough to make her own decisions without four grown men sniffing down her every move like a bunch of hounds," I spoke up, which caught Nik's attention.

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