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I'm having such hard inspiration for my books, I'm sorry :(

I don't remember getting off the plane. All I know is that I fell asleep on the plane and when I woke up, we were in a cab on the way to the penthouse. Murphy was in the passenger's seat with the person driving while he and Niklaus conversed. Nik was rubbing my back slowly, and would occasionally kiss my head when I moved.

I swear he's going to be the death of me...

"I know you're awake," he whispered to my ear, smiling at my huff. "We're almost there, kitten."

"I don't want to move," I grumbled, resting my face on his shoulder. "You're comfortable."

Niklaus hummed, "You only tell me that every day."

He smiled at my tired chuckle, tilting my head to kiss me. I wrapped an arm around his neck and hummed when he gripped my hair, tipping it back so it was easier for him to reach my lips.

"Please tell me we have our own space," I whispered against Niklaus's lips, feeling him smirk.

"Obviously," he mumbled back. "Arden suggested it."

I chuckled, pecking his lips again.  Just then, the chauffeur pulled into the parking lot and stopped the car, giving us time to grab our bags and tip him. Once he drove off, Niklaus grabbed my suitcases from my hands, making me roll my eyes and follow him inside.

"We should only be here about two or three days," Nik reminded me, smiling dismissively at the hostess behind the desk as she smiled flirtatiously, hoping to get his attention.

Women make me laugh sometimes.

"Checking in for Arden Drakos," Niklaus said, his arm wrapping around my waist when he felt my presence close enough.

I looked around the main lobby, feeling Niklaus pull me off before I had a good enough view of the place. The man seemed impatient as ever.

"No, it's fine. Don't wait for me," Murphy sarcastically called from behind us, just as Niklaus pulled us into an elevator and pressed a star button at the top of the selection. I could see his murderous glare just as the doors closed on his face, making me chuckle.

"Finally, some peace and quiet from that bloody idiot," Nik muttered to himself, causing me to roll my eyes and scoff.

"Coming from you," I responded, noticing the way his eyes snapped to mine. "Or were you not acting like a child almost the entire time we were on the plane?"

"We aren't talking about me, we're talking about him," he told me, making me shake my head to myself and smile. "Besides, you've been dealing with me for months."

I chuckled. "You're absolutely ridiculous, St. Clair."

Nik grinned and leaned down, ready to kiss me. Then, the doors opened, giving me a chance to walk away from him. Niklaus groaned and walked up to me, taking the suitcase I tried to carry.

"Are you serious?" I laughed as he grabbed my backpack, walking down the hall. "Nik, let me carry something."

"No," he responded. "You need to relax. Remember, I'm making you something so you can sleep better."

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