Protect You (Din Djarin/The Mandalorian)

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Okay, I know that I've not been updating this for a while

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Okay, I know that I've not been updating this for a while. I have just been lacking motivation to write, and still writing a ton of requests from you all.

I'm quite nervous with writing Mando's character, other artists do such a perfect job in getting his attitude right for their books.

That I feel like mine is a poor excuse XD

But I tried, please bear in mind that it might not be 100% accurate in how Din would act 😂

I wanna give a special mention/shout-out to spiderneds for helping in making this, she gave me great advice and pointers on how to write. (Especially for Mando's character)
So thanks gurl!!

You guys are insane!! Thank you all so much for the love, support, and for reading my book! It means a lot!

But anyways, I hope you enjoy!! 💕


"Are you kidding me right now?" You ask, staring at the bounty hunter. Who glanced at you while grabbing his rifle.

"Is there a problem?"

"I can't just stay here and expect you to comeback all the time, besides when will you have me join you on a mission at some point?" Arms folded and stood there with a questioning look.

"I don't need your help. I am capable on working alone. And I already gave you a job, stay put in here and watch the kid while I'm gone, it's that simple... And It'll keep you both from danger." This made you sigh softly.

"But I can help!!"

"You're staying here..."

"Wait! You can't-"

He turns to come face to face with you, his beskar helmet shining and could feel his eyes pouring into your soul. "You're staying here!" This made you freeze and stare up at him blankly.

"Do you really think I'm that weak and defenceless?" You scoffed, being offended by Mando. "Is that what this is about? I can handle myself!"

"Say that to what happened to your family..."

Your eyes widen, eyebrows furrowing (a little hurt) in feeling a sting at his words, frowning quickly to hide the pained expression in your features. He knew very well on how much that moment in losing your family to the republic was traumatising for you, and he struck an emotional nerve to you now? "W-what is that supposed to mean?"

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