Leads by Example Pt. III (Marcus Moreno)

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You woke up to find yourself in a strange room filled with unearthly architecture design and decorating, layers of silver and purple being prominent colors in your eyesight.

The door opens to reveal Granada and two guards behind her. "I see your awake..."

"What are you going to do? Kill me?!"

"Oh, why? No! Of course not!" She laughed softly and took a few steps forward. "But we cannot have you interferring, so you will be staying here from now on."

"But why? Why earth?..."

"That's classified information. But the heroics have been a thorn on our sides long enough." Granada explained and began to circle around you slowly, the clicking sound of her heels hitting the floor.

You struggle from the tight chains, then your mind wandered on the young supers. "What did you do to Missy and the kids?!"

"Oh, they're fine. I just spoke to them before seeing you... Anita Moreno as well in her cage too."

You froze in shock, scowling at the female imposter in front of you. "Where is Marcus..."

"Oh, he and his bafoon companions are being taken care of." She walks back to the door and stops in between, turning to look at you with a sad pout. "It is quite unfortunate that I have to leave you here, I did like you..." then pressing a button as the doors slam closed, leaving you locked inside this alien chamber of some sort.

Minutes have passed and despite how you weren't going anywhere, you continued fidgeting with the chains around your body. Pain all over your arms and legs from the metal pressed against your skin.

Panting heavily in exhaustion as you glanced at the watch on your wrist, it'd only be a matter of time before the aliens takeover earth. Then there was a sound of footsteps from outside that brought a bit of hope in you. "Hello, is anyone there?"

The door opened was unlocked and opened. "Y/N, is that you?" It was Wildcard, he walked over to your figure.

"I'm assuming you know that half of the Heroics agent, Miss Granada, and the President are aliens?" Earning a nod from the young boy as he tried breaking the extra-terrestrial chain.

"I also want you to know that Ojo is also an alien spy, she gave it away in one of her premonition drawings. Thankfully, Missy pointed it out while we escaped and planning our rescue mission on the way here." Your mouth fell in utter shock at the revelation, this day is just full of surprises apparently.

"But don't worry, we have another plan that's slowly forming as we speak.

"You kids keep surprising me..." you chuckled, as Wildcard helped you out of your restraints.

The two of you make your way into the main control system, awaiting Missy's reply and watching them through surveillance. Awaiting for the signal as Ojo came out on secretly to everyone about being a spy and how bad they were as team like their parents.

"But that's not true. We were working together."

"Were you? Then where's Wild Card?" She smirked in victory.

"That's a good question." Missy smiled and glanced up at some of the cameras in the room. "Hey, Wild Card, old buddy. Are you in the ship's control room yet?"

"I sure am and with backup." Wildcard offered the microphone to you and smirk softly. "Good work, Missy."

Miss Moreno grinning as she nodded gently. "Hi Y/N and just like we planned, old buddy."

"You were working together?" Ojo scoffed in slight disbelief.

"Surprised?" Young Moreno chuckled and continued explaining. "Well, I even sent him on a secret mission. Isn't that right, Wild Card?"

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