Leads By Example Pt. II (Marcus Moreno)

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You weren't sure about everything that just happened...

Not even bothering to listen to the news or President speaking at all, the heroics and Marcus were captured by aliens who were going to take over the planet.

The television switched from static to showing Granada. "Miss Y/N, for you and the children's safety, we're going into full lockdown. As long as you stay where you are, you are safe..." flashing a small smile reassuringly as the screen went black.

You remained in your seat, processing everything. Then alarms went off around the place as you stood up and race to the door. Trying to open it but to avail, it wouldn't budge. 

Then, it was opened to your confusion. An even bigger shock was to see Missy and her friends there. The blonde kid in a wheelchair called out. "C'mon, let's go!"

You weren't surprised if it was one of Moreno's friends that suggested bringing you along, considering she did not care about you whatsoever. Without wasting any time, you followed their planned escape route to try and rescue the heroics, including Marcus.


Okay so long story short, you managed to escape the Heroics Headquarters with the kids. In a flying cable car thanks to A Capella. Then crash landing near a grand mansion with a mini gazebo, thankfully not destroying it in the process.

"My begonias! Get out of my flower bed, you little termites!" An upset elderly Latina woman came out with her black, wooden cane.

Missy got up with a huff of breath, holding her back and flashing a small smile. "Hi, Abuelita!"

"Ah! Ah, Missy! Come and say hello to your grandma!" She held her arms out as the young girl gave her a soft bear hug. You follow the kids as they were in awe at the sight of Anita. 

Her friends were in awe and shock, however, Y/N was already familiar with the mother of her partner. But unlike her relationship with Missy, Mother Moreno grew fond of her and welcomed the woman her son discovered and fell head over heels for.

"Missy, your grandmother's Anita Moreno?" Noodles gasped as he glanced at his A Capella. Who was also sharing the same look of amazement, Rewind smiling widely. "The trainer of the Heroics?"

"She's a legend." Wheels grinned excitedly as he was beside the Latina woman. Who laughed softly, waving her hand. "No, you have to be dead to be a legend, honey." She corrected as her eyes saw you, her face beaming, and held her arms out happily. "Y/N, mi carina!"

You giggle and walk over to wrap your arms around her. "Hi, Mrs. Moreno." this makes her scoff and pull back to stare at you with a disapproving look, "Oy, what have I told you about calling me that? Anita is fine!" a low chuckle left your lips with a nod as Missy walked over and she turned to her granddaughter, pulling her into a side hug. "Oh, mi amor. I'm alive and well, which is more than I can say for my gazebo, hmm?" 

You and Missy cringe a bit with the others feeling guilty. "Sorry. We're in trouble, Grandma, and we need a place to hide." Miss Moreno explained with her hands together, Anita eying them all in confusion. "To hide? You're gonna need to do a lot more than that. That thing is moving into position."

"We only have two hours left. Won't be long until the takeover begins." Wheels looked at the device attached to his wheelchair.

"This is crazy, we're just children." Fast Forward shook her head.

"The children of the Heroics." You reminded with a finger up. Anita smiled softly as she looked at all the kids positively. "Yes, and if anyone is gonna save the world, it's you, because all of you have superpowers."

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