Chapter 27

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    Cindercloud paced the clearing, looking for her friend. The full moon bathed the island in silver light, and rippled off of the waves lapping the shore from the lake.
    She let out a yowl of welcome when she spotted Maplefrost, who was padding over beside a small gray and black tom. She touched her nose to his ear before padding over to Cindercloud.
"Hey! It's been a while!" Cindercloud cried, brushing her tail over her friends flank. Maplefrost let out a soft purr of welcome. "And that tom?" Cindercloud gazed at her friend mischievously.
"That's Puddleshade. He's a good friend of mine." Maplefrost replied.
"More than?" Cindercloud teased.
"We are taking it slow." Maplefrost replied.
"Of course." They were interupted but Ravenclaw, who padded over to them and dipped his head.
"It's so good to see you again Maplefrost!" He exclaimed.
"And you." She replied, though her gaze was guarded. Ravenclaw seemed to catch the look, for he looked annoyed and upset, but not at himself.
    "We should go by the deputies." Ravenclaw said, voice flat.
     "You go on ahead." Cindercloud replied, not wanting to meet her former mates eye. He nodded and padded off to sit beside Brackenclaw, who gave him a surprised look.
      "Are you two still mates?" Maplefrost asked.
     "No." Cindercloud said glumly.
     "Whys that?"
      "We both decided that, since we are both deputies, it would be better to go our separate ways. We would get into trouble if we were caught, and Mudstar would surly kill him. Plus, we need to focus on our own clans." Cindercloud explained.
     "That makes sense." Maplefrost concluded. Cindercloud said farewell to her friend before finding a spot beside the deputies. She felt Maplefrost watching her with envy and sadness in her gaze before she padded over to sit with Puddleshade.
Cindercloud took a spot beside Snakefang, him and Brackenclaw separating her from Ravenclaw.
"Did something happen to Switcheye?" Brackenclaw asked.
"That is none of your concern." Ravenclaw snapped. Cindercloud was the only cat outside of his clan that knew that Mudstar had killed his own mate and deputy because she did not agree with his ways. Cindercloud shuddered.

"RiverClan is thriving. Prey is running well and our warriors are healthy." Thornstar started. "Mistpool also gave birth to two health kits: Emberkit and Fogkit." Cindercloud noticed how frail and old the clan leader was looking. His ribs were poking through his pelt, and his fur was dull and hung to his frame. But the rest of his warriors looked sleek and well fed.
"Is Thornstar okay?" Cindercloud whispered to Snakefang.
"He's fine." Snakefang snapped, sounding unusually short and unfriendly. Cindercloud nodded and didn't push him further. He probably my didn't want anyone outside of his clan, even a friend, knowing their clan leaders weakness. She understood.
"WindClan is also doing well. Prey is running, and we are defending our borders well, as always. Any trespassers will be dealt with severely." Falconstar said, glaring at Mudstar, who glared back.
Morningsun leaned over and whispered something to Bluefang, who nodded and glared up at Mudstar.
     "ShadowClan is fine as well. Nothing is to be reported." Petalstar said, sitting down again.
     "ThunderClan is pleased to announce Lizardpaw and Shadepaw as apprentices." Mudstar paused. Only half hearted cheers followed his words. He scowled. "Ravenclaw is also our new deputy." He added. Muttering broke out among the cats. They whispered to each other and shot looks at Ravenclaw and Mudstar.
    "What happened to Switcheye?" Tawnyheart of RiverClan called.
"She is no longer set to be our deputy. What happens to our cats does not concern you." Mudstar snarled.
"But doesn't it?" Falconstar dare say. Mudstar slid out his claws and his fur bushed up.
"Do you really want to know?" He sneered, his amber gaze scorching all cats below him. "I killed her. She was disobeying my orders and was no longer agreeing with me. I need a deputy who is strong, and never willing to back down from a fight." Mudstar said. Howls of outrage shot around the clearing. Cindercloud saw Shellspot leap to her paws and face Sorrelblaze with snarling lips and bristling fur. Mottledfur, Stormlight and Bramblestripe stood shoulder to shoulder, growling at Clawheart, Brokenfoot and Spottedflower.
"Enough!" Flaconstar cried. Then he looked at Mudstar. "You are a piece of fox dung!" He snarled. "You have not right to be leader or live in the clans!"
"Trying telling that to Eaglestar. He was the one who made me deputy, and StarClan could not deny me. My word is law in my clan, I can do what I want!" Mudstar retorted. Falconstar's shoulder fur bristled. Cindercloud looked around wildly, expecting a fight to break out.
"Enough fighting! StarClan is going to get angry!" Petalstar cried.
"This piece of fox fodder doesn't seem to understand what StarClan is." Falconstar reported. At that moment, Mudstar leapt onto Falconstar, pinning him down and clawing at his side. Falconstar let out yowls of pain and fury. Fighting broke out all along the clearing, clan fighting clan, no matter which one they were from. Cindercloud watched in appalled horror. This was all Mudstar's fault. She exchanged a sad and fearful glance with Ravenclaw. At that moment, the clouds covered the moon, making the clearing dark.
"StarClan is angry!" Willowtail cried.
"We must obey the will of our ancestors." Brightsplash added.
"This gathering is over!" Snowfall cried. The cats broke apart and started scattering in fear, rushing toward the tree bridge.
"This is far from over!" Mudstar said, getting off of Falconstar, before he leapt away.
"I wish it didn't have to be this way..." Ravenclaw murmured sadly to his former mate before following his clan leader. As Cindercloud followed her clan to leave, she came into step with Maplefrost.
"This will have to end, one way or another. The storm has broken Cindercloud, and only death will be its reward." Maplefrost leapt away with her words ringing in the still night air. Cindercloud shivered before following her clan back to her territory.

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