Chapter 10

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Ravenpaw snuck back into camp, relieved to find that no body had missed him. The relief turned to dread when he spotted Switcheye watching him. Her different colored eyes inspected him coldly.
"Where have you been off to?" She hissed.
"Out for a moonlight stroll. I couldn't sleep." He lied. Switcheye narrowed her eyes.
"I don't trust you. I see how tired you are on certain days. You go out quite a lot. Mudstar May Trust you, But I don't." With that, Switcheye padded into the warriors den with her tail held high. Ravenpaw sighed after her. He had always been afraid of his deputy. She was very stern and scary. He padded into his den and curled up beside his brother, Darkpaw, and closed his eyes.

"Come on! You can do better than that!" Owlwing yowled. Ravenpaw snarled, pushing Darkpaw off of him. "Do you think the Fox hearts of WindClan and ShadowClan will go easy on you!" He mocked. Ravenpaw stood and shook out his sleek fur and turned to Darkpaw. Blackpelt, their father and Darkpaw's mentor, stood watching.
  Try again." Blackpelt meowed, his voice more gentle. Ravenpaw circled his brother, watching him closely before he sprang. Darkpaw lashed out with claws sheathed and cuffed him on the shoulder. Ravenpaw cuffed his head before springing backwards. Darkpaw pocked his side before springing away. Ravenpaw tried to catch him, but he was too fast. He lunged again and managed to barrel into Darkpaw. He sank his teeth into his brothers shoulder as he twisted to try and dislodge Ravenpaw. He felt his teeth sinking deeper. Darkpaw let out a yell of pain.
   "Don't hurt him!" Blackpelt exclaimed. Ravenpaw let go and backed away, tasting blood. Darkpaw stood as shook himself, blood oozing out of his wound.
   "It's alright Blackpelt. I have to be tough." He meowed. Ravenpaw sprang again, but Darkpaw ducked under him and pushed against his belly with his front paws. Ravenpaw felt himself lose balance and fall over, where Darkpaw pinned him.
   "Too slow brother." He teased. Ravenpaw kicked Darkpaw off with a kick and flipped him into his belly and pinned him down.
"Don't admit defeat too soon." He teased.
"Alright. That is enough for now. Darkpaw and Ravenpaw, hunt on your way back." Owlwing ordered. He flicked his tail to Blackpelt and the two warriors heading toward camp. Silently, the brothers walked side by side through the forest, listening to nothing but the rustle of the wind in the trees.
"Mudstar is planning another attack on WindClan and ShadowClan soon." Darkpaw said, breaking the silence. He looked nervous.
"Why though? Why do we need to attack our neighbors?" Ravenpaw asked, baffled. He thought to Cinderpaw and Maplepaw, his closest friends who were both in different clans.
"What I've heard is that Mudstar wants us to seem fierce. He wants to bring fear in the other clans." Darkpaw said.
"What I don't understand is why Mudstar is attacking if he gets nothing out of it except for provoking fear. I don't understand why we can't have peace!" Ravenpaw exclaimed. "All I want is peace between the clans, but Mudstar is making that impossible!" Ravenpaw said.
    "I see one apprentice is doubting his leader." Came a drawing voice from the shadows. Ravenpaw felt his fur fluff up and his hackles raise. Darkpaw started, claws sliding out. Ravenpaw relaxed when Switcheye walked out of the ferns. He tensed again when he saw the sharpness in her eyes. "Darkpaw, you can continue on. I'd like a word here with Ravenpaw." Switcheye mewed smoothly. Darkpaw widened his eyes in fear, but he did not protest. He padded away with a quick glance back over his shoulder.
   "What is it Switcheye?" Ravenpaw asked politely, trying to keep the fear out of his voice.
   "I've been listening to your conversation with your brother. I don't like what you've been saying about Mudstar and his strategies." She began, her voice as cold as the harshest leaf bare.
   "I.... I was just discussing with Darkpaw... I don't always agree with everything... Mudstar.... does." He said timidly. Switcheye moved closed to him and pushed her muzzle into his face.
    "If you disagree with Mudstar, then keep it to yourself." She hissed. "You are a disgrace of an apprentice. I will have Mudstar know about this and see how he responds to it. You seem as if you understand what being a leader is about but you don't!" Switcheye lifted her paw to strike Ravenpaw. He flinched away. She lowered her paw with a glower. Then she turned and strutted away, tail waving in the air.  Ravenpaw let out a sigh of relief, his heart pounding in fear. He allowed himself to hunt in order to calm himself before he went back to camp.
    He held a mouse in his jaws when he entered the stone hollow. Gray leaf fall clouds covered the sky, and a chill took over the air. He laid his kill by the pile and walked over to where Poppypaw and Darkpaw were sharing a mouse.
    "Ravenpaw! Thank StarClan Switcheye didn't hurt you." He said with relief in his mew.
    "She's our deputy, she wouldn't hurt me." Ravenpaw replied.
    "I wouldn't speak too soon." Poppypaw pointed out between bites. Ravenpaw nodded and tucked his paws under his chest. He watched as cats started coming back into camp. Brokenfoot, Finchwing and Blazeheart were coming back from a hunting patrol, while Toadpaw and Marshpaw left with their mentors to train. Everything seemed peaceful and normal, just how Ravenpaw liked it. He could tell their medicine cat, Redwing, was relieved as well, for not having to treat a bunch of injured cats all the time. Ravenpaw started to dose off when he heard his name being called. He opened his eyes to see Mudstar beckoning to him, and dread instantly clutched his belly. He met eyes with an alarmed Darkpaw before he padded over to his leader.
    "Switcheye told me you were doubting my leadership and the way I do things." He meowed smoothly. Ravenpaw didn't reply, he just stared up at the huge brown tom. "Dear Ravenpaw. No need to be afraid of me." Mudstar said in a charming voice. "I just want you to understand that every decision I make is for the good of this clan. We must remain strong while the other clans are weak, and show them who has control over them. It is the only way to survive in this forest." Ravenpaw nodded, too afraid to rebute Mudstar.
    "I understand" He mewed softly. Mudstar flicked his tail over his ear.
    "Good. You may go. And remember to watch yourself, you are going to become a warrior in no time and I want to trust you." Ravenpaw nodded before padding back over to his brother....

     About a moon had passed. Mudstar still did not attack any other clan, but he still talked with his senior warriors about small strikes. Redwing had no choice but to listen and agree with his leader in fear that Mudstar would hurt him if he disagreed. Now Mudstar stood on the highledge looking down at Ravenpaw, Poppypaw and Darkpaw. He puffed out his chest in pride and was excited to become a warrior. He decided to not visit Cinderpaw and Maplepaw as often so he could focus on being a good warrior and keeping Mudstar's trust.
    "We gather today to greet three new warriors into our ranks! Today, ThunderClan becomes even stronger!" This was met by a series of yowls, the loudest coming from Switcheye, Brokenfoot, Jaggedclaw and Clawheart. "I Mudstar call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They trained hard to learn the ways of your code and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." Mudstar paused. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend the clan evsbbsigh your life?"
   "I do." Ravenpaw meowed, voice echoing strongly around the clearing. He saw Blackpelt and Hazelstream sitting side by side looking ready to burst with pride.
   "Then by the power of StarClan I give you your warrior names. Poppypaw, you will be known as Poppyflower. StarClan honors your wisdom and heart and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Mudstar presses his muzzle to her her and she licked his shoulder in return. "Darkpaw, you will be known as Darkstorm. StarClan honors your cunning and your bravery, and I welcome you as a full warrior." Mudstar lastly turned to Ravenpaw. His eyes glittered for a moment before he continued, and he noticed Switcheye staring at him with blatant mistrust. "Ravenpaw, you will be known as Ravenclaw. StarClan honors your loyalty and strength." Mudstar touched his muzzle to his head while Ravenclaw licked his shoulder in respect. "Watch What you say around here." Mudstar warned in his ear. Ravenclaw shuddered, and knew that Mudstar was warning him not to speak ill about him. Ravenclaw turned and took his place beside Darkstorm, suddenly afraid of his clan leader and what he would do in the future...

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