Chapter 6:

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     "Can't catch me!" Maplepaw cried before she sped away.
    "Bet I can!" Cinderpaw mewed before pelting after her. She raced along the shore of the lake, the fresh night air rustling her whiskers. Ravenpaw stood on the bank watching them with narrowed eyes. Soon Cinderpaw caught up with Maplepaw and dashed passed her before she stopped. Maplepaw came panting from behind her.
   "You're fast!" She exclaimed.
   "I am WindClan after all!" She mewed proudly.
   "Big deal." Ravenpaw muttered sourly.
   "What? Jealous that I'm better at something than you?" Cinderpaw teased, annoyed at Ravenpaw's sour attitude. 
    "As if." Ravenpaw said with a scoff. Cinderpaw flicked her tail at him. She was warming up to Ravenpaw, however annoying he could be. It got her mind off of Talonpaw and Splashtail acting so chummy. She felt like she didn't fit in in her own clan. Yes she was good friends with Splashtail, but she was a warrior now and spent a lot of time with Talonpaw. And Hawkpaw hated her. When she was with Ravenpaw and Maplepaw, she finally feels like she belongs.
   "I'm heading back before I get too tired. See you later." Ravenpaw meowed before padding away. Maplepaw touched noses with Cinderpaw before leaving. Cinderpaw walked to her own territory but decided she wasn't tired. She decided to walk toward RiverClan and sit near the lake and watch the glow of Silverpelt.

   Once she reached the bank and sat looking out at the lake and the reflection of the stars on the water. The trickle of the water soothed her from ears to tail. She loved how the starlight reflected off of the water when it rippled in the slight wind. She started from her stupor when she heard footsteps. She was astonished to see Snakepaw had sat beside her on his side of the border.
   "You never seem to get enough of RiverClan eh Cinderpaw?" He mused.
   "No. It's quite beautiful here." She meowed.
   "Wish you were a RiverClan cat?" He asked with amusement in his mew.
   "And stink like fish? No thanks! I just like the sound of the river." She replied.
   "I see." He mewed. "What brings you here besides the river?" Cinderpaw shrugged.
   "I like the peace of night. To be honest... I don't feel like I fit in all the time in my own clan, so I just.. like getting out."
   "I see."
    "Can I admit something. Snakepaw? I go out at night to meet with two cats from the other clans. I don't know why, and I know it is against the code, but... they are my closest friends. I love them, and I fit in with them."
   "I know what you mean. I often ponder why we are enemies in the first place." Snakepaw meowed in agreement.
   "Yes. If we didn't have borders, we would always be at peace with each other. So why have borders if it doesn't keep the peace?" He asked. "I know my duty as a RiverClan cat, and I will defend my borders with my life. But.... sometimes I wish things were different."
   "Me too!" Cinderpaw said, happy that someone agreed with her.
    "I like you Cinderpaw. I wish you were in my clan. You are easy to talk to. Maybe we can talk again later, but I must go." He mewed. He stepped over the border and touched noses with her before bounding into his own territory  with her staring after her.

   Cinderpaw walked beside Morningsun on dawn patrol. Heronwing and Talonpaw were a few paw steps ahead of them. Morningsun was staring at the back of Heronwing's head with a wistful look in her eye. Cinderpaw often daw her mentor mooning after him.
"You like him don't you?" Cinderpaw questioned. Morningsun shot her a look. "It's okay, I won't tell." Cinderpaw added. Morningsun's eyes softened.
"He's great isn't he?" She mewed, eyes sparkling.
"Indeed. And he's clan deputy. A fine score if I may say!" Cinderpaw said, flicking her tail.
"And I often see you staring after Talonpaw!" Morningsun teased. Cinderpaw's eyes darkened.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't think he likes me back. He seems to be padding after Splashtail." She told her mentor. Mornkngsuns eyes glowed with understanding.
"I understand. Not every cat will recuperate your feelings. Thistlewing and I trained together. I liked him a lot back then, but he was always with Featherheart, and I knew his heart was with her. It was hard, but I moved on, and now... have courage and faith Cinderpaw. Everything will work out in the end." Morningsun advised.
"Thanks Morningsun. I couldn't ask for a better mentor." Cinderpaw mewed. Morningsun touched her tail to her apprentices shoulder with affection.
"That's what I'm here for."
"I'm glad I have you and Creekpelt to help me out. I wish I could say the same with Patchfur. I don't think he loves me or Creekpelt." Cinderpaw admitted.
"I'm sorry Cinderpaw. Toms are hard to understand."
"It seems Creekpelt doesn't love him either. Like.... she settled for him, but always loved someone else." Cinderpaw thought back to how her mother had watched her talking with Falconstar with narrowed eyes. She had often seen her mother staring ruefully at Falconstar and Leafstrike. Did her mother love the clan leader?
"I'm sure she does. But who knows? Just know that you are loved Cinderpaw, no matter how Patchfur acts." Cinderpaw purred at her mentor. They arrived at the ThunderClan border.
"No sign of Mudstar" Heronwing reported. Morningsun padded up to stand beside him.
"Good! I'd claw his face off!" Talonpaw exclaimed, flexing his claws.
"He is pretty strong Talonpaw." Cinderpaw pointed out.
"I know, but I'd still fight him the best I could!"
"Of course." Cinderpaw purred.
    "I don't understand why he attacks us just to provoke fear. He has nothing to gain from it." Talonpaw muttered angrily.
    "Me neither. I think he's trying to make ThunderClan fierce and strong, which means raiding other clans for fun. He mocks the old ThunderClan in the times of Firestar, where he was kitty pet soft. Though I don't agree with him. Firestar was only trying to maintain peace. But Mudstar thinks the only way to be strong is to attack and to provoke fear in the other clans. It's sickening!" Cinderpaw meowed.
   "I agree with you. At he also mocks ShadowClan for becoming soft like the old ThunderClan. He wishes that ShadowClan were like the days of Brokenstar. It seems Mudstar is trying to replicate that with ThunderClan." Talonpaw said.
    "I wish we could just go out in our territory without fear of being watched." Cinderpaw meowed, looking around nervously as if she expected a ThunderClan warrior to pop out at her.
    "I'll protect you!" Talonpaw mewed, flexing his claws. Cinderpaw felt warmth spread through her fur.
    "Thanks, but I can protect myself!" She mewed.
   "Of course." Talonpaw purred. Heronwing and Morningsun padded over moments later.
    "We will check RiverClan before we return." They turned and padded toward the border, the two apprentices behind them. Talonpaw ran ahead, tail waving, while Cinderpaw raced behind him. They raced toward the river, their tails streaming behind them as they ran. Cinderpaw loved the loot and racing through it; it made her paws feel light. Her heart lifted as she raced through the breeze. She stopped once she approached the river. Heronwing set the market before they headed back to camp. Cinderpaw came into step with Talonpaw as they went.
    "I love being in WindClan." Talonpaw remarked.
    "I enjoy training with you." Cinderpaw said. Talonpaw looked at her.
    "I enjoy training with you too, though it's a shame Splashtail is a warrior. I liked it when she trained with us." Cinderpaw murmured agreement, pushing aside her jealousy. She had to stop thinking of Talonpaw In that way and start trying to be the best warrior she could be. As the thoughts rang through her head, she thought of her meetings with Ravenpaw and Maplepaw, and guilt raced through her. If she were focusing on become a good warrior; she shouldn't be sneaking out to see cats from other clans. She tried to push the thoughts aside, but guilt made it hard to forget...

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