Chapter 18

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About a moon passed. Cindercloud walked alongside Shellpaw, contemplating had been learned at the previous gathering. It was announced that Snakefang was the new RiverClan deputy. Cindercloud had been happy and proud of her RiverClan friend and had chatted with him for a while. Thornstar did not announce how Foxclaw had died, but the news spread like wild fire around the gathering. The deputy had been murdered by Jaggedclaw, a ThunderClan warrior. The same warrior who killed Smokewing from ShadowClan. Cindercloud thought. Almost no cat had spoken to a ThunderClan warrior. That made it hard for Cindercloud to see Ravenclaw. She ended up hiding with him in a sheltered spot where no other cats could see them. Cindercloud had been able to exchange words with Maplefrost, but it had been tense and uncomfortable. Cloudspring of ShadowClan had also died, and Brackenclaw replaced him as deputy. The clans were tense, and almost no one mingled after the gathering. It was all Mudstar's fault. Cindercloud wanted nothing more than for all three clans to invade their camp and kill Mudstar and drive out his bloodthirsty warriors. The clans had done it in the days of Firestar. They could do it again.
     "Cindercloud?" Shellpaw's soft mew broke her out of her thoughts.
     "Erm... yes?" She asked, shaking her head.
"I asked if we were going to hunt." Shellpaw mewed.
"Yes. Of course." Cindercloud led the way back to the high moor. She squinted against the bright sunlight. Wind swept the turfy grass, rippling it like a pelt in the wind. A rabbit hopped out of the shelter of a gorse bush. Shellpaw dropped into a low crouch and slipped silently towards it. When she was in position, she leapt, killing the rabbit swiftly.
"Nice job!" Shellpaw turned, rabbit in her jaws, toward the voice. Bluepaw came bounding toward her, Splashtail on her heals.
"That'll feed father elders." She purred.
"Everything quiet?" Splashtail asked Cindercloud. She nodded to the she cat.
"Good." Splashtail sunk her claws into the grass. Cindercloud brushed her tail along her cousins back, sensing her grief. Talonpaw was still heavy on all of their minds.
"Are we sure she was thorough enough?" Cake a condescending voice from the direction of camp. Hawktalon padded over to him, his patrol consisting of Briarthorn, Graystep and Woodpaw behind him.
"I'm not on border patrol. You can check if you want though." Cindercloud growled to the arrogant tom. Hawktalon snorted.
"If I find any ThunderClan vermin, I'll kill them myself." The tom growled.
"We don't want to stoop to their level." Briarthorn pointed out mildly.
"Why not? They've killed so many cats recently! Smokewing, Foxclaw, Talonpaw! We need to kill one of their warrior and make it even!" Hawktalon snarled.
"That will only make things worse." Graystep pointed out.
"The we will kill Mudstar!"
"Then Switcheye will be leader, and she is just as bad as him!" Woodpaw exclaimed.
"Blazeheart is acting deputy at the moment. He won't we too bad." Hawktalon said.
"Oh I'm sure Switcheye would not let him become leader instead. Killing is not the answer, and that is final. Or do you need to have a chat with Falconstar?" Briarthorn asked. Hawktalon snorted, and Briarthorn took the lead. The patrol padded away, Hawktalon shooting a baleful look at Cindercloud as he passed. She ignored him, and together the two mentors and apprentices hunted a bit more before heading back to camp. Shellpaw dropped her kill onto the pile and found a spot beside Amberpaw, Mosspaw and Bluepaw. Woodpaw went to share a rabbit with Tigertail. Cindercloud found a spot where Creekpelt sat beside Leafstrike. The two she cats had just finished a pigeon and were sharing tongues and chatting.
    "Remember, as an apprentice, when Falconstar, or Falconpaw, would burrow after rabbits, and then get stuck and cry for help?" Leafstrike asked with a mew of laughter.
   "Oh yes! Meadowstar would scold him for being so foolish!" Creekpelt broke into a rusty purr.
    "And then when he was a young warrior, Falconflight, he acted like he was a blessing from StarClan himself!" Leafstrike added.
    "I was surprised Meadowstar ever made him deputy! He drove half of the clan mad!" Creekpelt purred.
    "But he turned out to be a fine deputy, and now leader." Leafstrike meowed. Creekpelt nodded, though a shadow had crossed her gaze.
     "Hello Cindercloud." Leafstrike purred a Greetings. Creekpelt turned and started washing her daughters back. They sat in silence for a while, until Falconstar bustled over to them.
    "Hello." He meowed. "Gossiping about me?" He asked, his voice light with amusement.
    "All the time." Leafstrike purred, giving her mate a lick on the cheek. His eyes met Creekpelt's, and they staredt at each other for a long moment, moons worth of memories flickering in their gazes. Leafstrike noticed, and her eyes darkened. The air crackled like green leaf lighting.
     "Am I missing something?" Cindercloud asked, breaking the silence. Falconstar started and stared at her as if he just realized she was there.
    "Nothing. Everything is fine. Carry on." Falconstar padded off with a stiff flick of his tail. Cindercloud knew, after that moment, without a doubt, that her mother had once been Falconstar's mate...

A moon passed, and peace was in the forest. There was no sign of Mudstar or his warriors. Cindercloud snuck out every three nights to see Ravenclaw (and Maplefrost) And She was jealous when Heatherfall announced that she was expecting Graystep's kits. Cindercloud wished she could have kits with Ravenclaw, but it was impossible. She had brought it up to Ravenclaw.
"I've thought of that too, but too much trouble would come of it. Remember what happened with Bluestar? Or with Leafpool and Crowfeather? It would be a disaster." He meowed.
"I know that!" Cindercloud snapped. Ravenclaw sighed and wrapped his tail around her. "I'm sorry." She murmured sadly. "I just want a chance to have kits, but that cannot happen so long as we are together." Ravenclaw turned his gaze to her, his eyes filled with a life time of sorrow.
"Then maybe you should find a mate in your own clan." He suggested.
"I can't! I love you and only you. And I have no interest in anyone but you since Talonpaw died, and he and Splashtail would have become mates." She pointed out.
"I love you too." Ravenclaw murmured. "And nothing matters to me so long as I am with you." He murmured. They sat in silence for many long moments.

Cindercloud opened her eyes and snapped out of the memory, her heart piercing like a thorn. She was sitting beside the RiverClan border, which is her favorite spot. She loved watching the river flow by, and part of her hoped that Snakefang would appear. She was the friend she came to when she needed to talk about something. He was wise and gentle, and their clans were not enemies. Rustling distracted her, and she saw a RiverClan patrol. It was lead by Snakefang. Behind him trotted Mistpool, Stormlight, Bramblestripe and Applepaw. Stormlight sported Cindercloud and pushed ahead of Snakefang, coming to stop at the border.
    "What are you doing here?" He asked. His voice was calm, but suspicion was in his eyes.
   "This is my favorite spot." She replied calmly.
    "Why so close to our border?" Stormlight asked.
    "Oh leave her be Stormlight. Cindercloud is a friend." Snakefang meowed, stopping beside the young warrior.
    "Really now?" Stormlight's mew was interested.
    "Not in that way!" Snakefang snapped, shooting a glance at Mistpool.
   "How are things in RiverClan? Mudstar leaving you alone?" Cindercloud asked, changing the subject.
    "So far yes." Snakefang replied, though his gaze looked haunted, and memories flashed in his amber eyes. "What about you?" He asked.
    "All quiet." Cindercloud said. "Every day feels like a storm about to break." She admitted. Snakefang nodded solemnly.
    "No clan is safe." He murmured. 
    "I don't get why we don't all team up and get rid of Mudstar ourselves!" Applepaw piped up, calico fur bristling.
     "Be quiet, your no more than an apprentice!" Stormlight snapped.
     "I'm almost a warrior!" Applepaw retorted holtly.
     "I think she has a point." Bramblestripe put in mildly. Stormlight glared at his brother.
    "We can't do anything now but be on our guards." Snakefang said.
    "Speaking of which, we should get back to patrol." Mistpool meowed.
    "Like WindClan or ShadowClan are going to give us any problems!" Applepaw piped. Stormlight gave her a stern look. Cindercloud let out a purr of amusement. The RiverClan cats bade her farewell before they walked off. As she turned to head home, she came face to face with Hawktalon, who was staring at her with fury on his eyes.
    "What in StarClan do you think you are doing!" He spat, fur bristling angrily.
    "That is none of your business!" Cindercloud retorted, her fur bristling with guilt that she had been caught having a friendly chat with RiverClan.
"Oh really now?" Hawktalon murmured smoothly. "Just swapping stories huh?" He cocked his head, eyed gleaming with dislike. "Being disloyal more like." He spat.
"RiverClan are our friends!" Cindercloud spat. "And we need allies more than ever. After all, ShadowClan are our allies too, so why not RiverClan?" She asked. Hawktalon snorted.
"You're just making excuses to cover up your disloyalty. Maybe your teaming up with RiverClan to work with Mudstar huh?" He asked.
"Don't you dare make accusations against me." Cindercloud snarled, pulling out her claws.
"I dare when I see you chatting with RiverClan and giving away our secrets!" Hawktalon said, raising his voice.
"I wouldn't ever do that! I haven't said a thing to make WindClan look weak! The RiverClan warriors agree that Mudstar is a threat! Applepaw even suggested we should all unite against him!"
"So you'll take the word of an apprentice over a senior warrior from your own clan?" Hawktalon snarled.
"This conversation is over. You can accuse me all I want!"
"You were always far too friendly with RiverClan's current deputy. In fact, you are always too friendly with ThunderClan! Don't think I haven't noticed you with one of their warriors." Hawktalon's words became a threat. "Do you think Falconstar will think you are loyal if he found out the truth? Or Creekpelt. Or Patchfur?" The mention of her father made a sharp pain pierce her deeper than the longest thorn. Hawktalon curled his lip before he spit around and stalked off. Cindercloud was left staring after him with her mouth hanging open. What would happen to her if he told the clan about Ravenclaw?

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