Chapter 30

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(Things are going to start picking up again so the story doesn't drag and is interesting. Thete will be a sequel once done)

    Two moons passed. Ravenclaw, despite the pain he went through, refused to kill a ShadowClan warrior. Twice he was hauled to the lake and twice he was nearly drowned, but he would not give in. Though he became exhausted, and he felt himself beginning to harden because of his treatment. He would not allow himself to fall into darkness...

   Meanwhile in WindClan, things were quiet. For the most part. Mudstar had ambushed a border patrol twice, but few injuries were a result. He was becoming more frequent with his attacks, yet he was also telling the patrols that he had a weak deputy that still needed broken, and that he would continue to be aggressive until that deputy was hardened. Cindercloud felt terrified for her former mate. She had not seen Ravenclaw at the border, only the gatherings, but he had seemed more aloof and detached then usual, and his amber eyes always darted around nervously, jumping at ever twig snap and shadow that passed him. Mudstar had been right: he was breaking his deputy.
    Meanwhile, Falconstar, as Thornstar was, was beginning to become frailer, and the colder moons were not helping. Thornstar looked even worse: he was nothing but skin and bone. Snakefang would surly be leader in the next couple of moons. Cindercloud also noticed that her own parents were becoming slower in their duties, and getting worn out more easily. She wondered when they would move to the elders. Thistlewing is the same age, but is still going strong, for as long as he can at least. Heatherfall's kits would be apprentices before they knew it as well. Rabbitkit, Molekit and Seedkit were getting big, even at about three moons old. Rabbitkit is a small gray and white energetic kit, whole Molekit is a copy of his father: white with gray legs, tail, and ear tips. Seedkit is the odd one out. The only she kit. The only brown tabby. And the smallest of the litter. Mosswhisker was already bonding with Seedkit, loving her quiet and calm demeanor compared to the energy of Rabbitkit and Molekit. Those two would need level headed mentors to balance them out. Cindercloud chuckled at the thought.

She padded over to Creekpelt and Patchfur, where were quietly sharing tongues together, looking let happy and relaxed together than she had ever seen them. A glow appeared in her heart at the sight. She sat beside them, allowing their warmth to comfort her misgivings. She sensed the same from her parents. No one felt safe. They were prey in their own territory. Why haven't the other clans tried to get rid of Mudstar? Should they take the initiative? She shook her head sadly.
"Everything will turn out alright, you'll see." Creekpelt murmured, pressing against her daughter. Patchfur pressed against her other side in comfort. Cindercloud purred loudly, taking in their warmth. "I love you my flower. Don't forget that ever. We will be with you through all of this. Nothing lasts forever." Creekpelt stood up and gave her daughter a lick. "Your father and I are going to go on a patrol together to hunt. With colder weather coming, we will need all the prey we can get." She meowed.
"Good luck." Cindercloud purred, watching her parents slip out of camp. She then padded over to Hawktalon, who was sitting by himself. She sat beside him.
"Hi." He murmured awkwardly. His fur had grown back, and he had a couple scars on his muzzle, but he was fine. She sighed. "Do you want to lead a patrol?" She asked him.
"Always up for it." He said.
"Cool. Take who you like." She replied. Hawktalon nodded and flicked his tail on her shoulder before finding Leafstrike, Featherheart and Woodclaw for patrol. She watched them go, setting her head on her paws, and decided to relax a while....

Ravenclaw was once again forced to take a patrol with Mudstar. He didn't want to get half drowned again, so he hoped this would be something of a hunting patrol. He doubted it. Jaggedclaw once again tagged along. This time they brought Clawheart too. They stopped beside the WindClan border.
"Looks calm. Let's head back." Ravenclaw said, not wanting to linger incase they found a patrol and had to attack.
"No, wait." Clawheart said, flicking his tail. A gray tabby shape was racing down the moor, chasing a rabbit. At first, Ravenclaw thought it was Cindercloud, and his heart dropped in fear for her. Then he realized it was not her, but her mother Creekpelt.
"Oh good. Another test for us." Mudstar said. Ravenclaw felt his heart drop further. Mudstar sprang away and went for the chase, racing into the heart of WindClan territory.
"Wait!" Ravenclaw raced after his leader, Clawheart and Jaggedclaw beside him. Mudstar bared down Creekpelt. She stopped and stared at the ThunderClan leader in horror as he sprang, flinging her to the ground and pinning her there.
"Mudstar let her go!" Ravenclaw cried. Creekpelt struggled, hissing and spitting, but she was too small compared to the massive leader.
"This is your chance for redemption Ravenclaw. Kill her. I caught her for you. Now you finish it." He ordered.
"I'd like to see you try!" Creekpelt spat, hiding her feet behind anger.
"No Mudstar! I'm not a killer. I won't do it. I don't care if you drown me!" He yowled. Ravenclaw could never kill anyone, let alone Cindercloud's mother.
"You're a fool Ravenclaw. If you won't do it, then I will." Everything slowed down.
"No!" Ravenclaw hollered. But if was too late. Mudstar bared down on Creekpelt, and his jaws clamped tight around her throat....

Cindercloud lifted her head when Patchfur entered camp with a plump rabbit in his jaws. Creekpelt was nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Creekpelt?" She asked.
"We split up to cover more ground. She should be back soon." Patchfur mewed.
"You shouldn't leave each other alone with the threat of Mudstar." Cindercloud pointed out.
"You're mother knows how to care for herself. Plus, she didn't go near the ThunderClan border." He added.
"Still...." Cindercloud mewed.
"She'll be fine, don't worry so much." Patchfur purred. Cindercloud nodded before taking her share from the pile.
Soon, the sun started to sink, casting an orange glow on the moor. Still not sign of Creekpelt. She was getting worried.
She padded over to Hawktalon, who was sitting alone once more.
"My mother has been gone a while and I'm starting to get worried." She told him.
"What do you want me to do about it?" He asked gruffly. Cindercloud dug her claws into the grass. Hawktalon was always changing his moods.
"Come with me and look for her!" She growled.
"I suppose you are right." Hawktalon said with a sigh, standing. He beckoned Patchfur, who was pacing nervously, glancing up at the sky. Hawktalon whispered in his ear, and her father joined them. The padded silently, watching the sun slip lower, until it was nothing but a sliver in the horizon.
"Let's try by ThunderClan." Cindercloud mewed. When she neared the border, she caught their smell and stiffened, alert and ready. But as she reached the border, the tange of blood filled her senses. She bolted toward the border without looking back, hearing her clan mates calling her back. She ignored them. She stopped short of the border, peering around through the gathering darkness. At first she saw nothing. Then her gaze fell on something. The image will never leave Cindercloud for as long as she lives. The broken, mangled body, the bite marks deep in the throat, blood oozing out slowly, blue eyes cloudy and unfocused. Staring at nothing.
      Fire. Fire is what Cindercloud feels in her heart; her entire body. She looked down at that body, and all warmth left her. The body she had known and loved all her life. The only person she truly felt attached to. The lifeless body she stared down at, who would never stare up at her ever again, was Creekpelt...

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