Chapter Two

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Alice sat by Carrie in the hallway as they both say silently, while waiting for Margaret to arrive and take Carrie home. Alice was happy she and Carrie were both excused from P.E. class for the rest of the week and to just take study hall at the library, by Miss Desjardin, Which gave Alice the chance and the time to hopefully become friends with Carrie and eventually more than friends. 

Hey, hey you the blonde haired gut said to Carrie, as the guy with the dark hair made a gesture of his hand and mouth at the same time, as they both made fun of her and laughed at her. Carrie closed her eyes. Alice watched Margaret walk up and stop in front of Carrie before Carrie opened her eyes. Carrie got up and left with Margaret by the time the bell already rang and Alice and the other students also left the school for the day.

Alice walked up to her friends and saw Billy, Chris's boyfriend was also there, holding Chris's cellphone. Hey Chris, Alice began. You have to watch this, Chris told Alice, while Alice's other friends had Chris's cellphone. Alice also decided to see what video they were watching. Chris had recorded Carrie in the room. Alice watched, angered but didn't say a word in order to not cause a fight or argument. I'll see you all later, Alice said. 

Ok, Tina told Alice. I'll call you later Alice, Chris told Alice. I'll see you later, Sue told Alice. Sure, Alice told Sue. Alice walked to her purple car, took out her car keys, opened the door, unlocked the door, got in and closed the door. Alice put on her seat belt then started her car and drove home.

                                                                        Time skip

Alice arrived home and pulled up in the driveway to her blue house. Alice felt nervous and frightened to enter her home, then slowly walked up to the door, opening it, stepping inside then closing the door behind her. Alice, her dad yelled, before throwing a glass at her. Alice using her telekinesis made the glass hit the wall instead which made the glass break into pieces. You broke my glass, her dad yelled, you stupid worthless bitch, all you do is cost me money. Her dad lunged at her and grabbed her by the hair. Alice cried out in pain. 

You owe me money and a new glass, her dad yelled again, you are a burden to me, you should be dead like your mother, just kill yourself, nobody loves you or gives a shit about you, her dad yelled at her. Alice punched her dad in the gut which made him let go , as Alice ran up the stairs to her bedroom and as she closed her door she also locked the door so he couldn't get to her.

Alice made it to her bed and sat down then broke down crying . The objects in Alice's bedroom began moving which happened everyday. Alice put on he favorite music on her laptop which she also used everyday in order to calm herself down, as she used tissue to wipe away her tears.

                                                                                   Time skip

Alice hung up her cellphone after talking to Chris. She was angry that Chris had uploaded the video she took of Carrie for others to watch. Alice refused to watch that video ever again since it angered her and upset her so much. Alice didn't have the guts to speak up because of her fear of becoming bullied if she stopped being friends with Chris and the others. Since Alice had already talked yo all of her friends on her cellphone she decided to put her cellphone away on her dresser for the night.

As Alice sat alone on her bed in her bedroom she thought about how much she missed her mom everyday since she died in a car accident for not wearing her seatbelt and going through the windshield of her car. Alice hated her abusive dad , however she was glad she had the ability to fight back . Alice's mom died when she was eleven years old and Alice visited her grave everyday.

Alice focused as she soon felt herself levitating in the air as if she were laying down. Alice smiled to herself as she enjoyed levitating and moving objects as she used her telekinesis to movie her books and movies around midair. Alice's dad and Carrie were the only two people who knew of her ability, Alice and her dad didn't tell anyone else out of fear of people's reactions. since people feared the unknown or might try to do a exorcism on Alice, lock her up, or kill her which Alice didn't want to happen. They would call her a witch or a demon if they ever found out and caught Alice using her abilities which was why Alice was always careful and made sure nobody was watching her whenever she used her abilities.

Alice lowered herself down to lay on her bed and continued having fun with moving her belongings around the room. Alice raised her belongings a bit higher up in the air and began moving them in a slow circle.

                                                           Author's Note

Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying reading my fanfiction so far. I will be updating everyday. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think of this story and how are you liking it so far.

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