Chapter Thirteen

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Alice watched as Carrie stood up after those who were laughing stopped laughing. The lights flickered and made a sound while Carrie turned around and raised up her arms. The red liquid began rising up off of Carrie. I never thought of being able to do that with my power, Alice thought to herself. Carrie let out a scream as Alice and everyone flew backwards landing on the floor and the objects being thrown backwards too, due to Carrie unleashing her power on everyone. Carrie has finally snapped with all these years of being bullied, Alice thought to herself.

Alice got up and saw Carrie use her power to close and lock the doors to prevent everyone from escaping the gym room. People screamed in fear and panic. Alice noticed one guy run up on the bleachers then got crushed to death by it. Alice looked for Freddy and saw him with his camera out. Freddy, Alice called out. Suddenly a table hit Freddy and he fell to the floor. Alice ran to Freddy and bent down. Alice saw some blood on his face, his eyes stayed open. Freddy's dead, Alice realized. Alice stood back up.

Alice then felt water pour over her. Alice stared at Carrie and moved to stand behind a table. Soon the water was turned off. On the stage the wires break apart and let out sparks of electricity. Two objects fell down and a fire broke out. Come on Alice, we need to leave, George told Alice, as he grabbed her and they ran. Alice was grateful for George for thinking of getting her and others to safety. This now looks like a event from a horror movie, Alice thought to herself. 

Alice stood by George as they watched Tina get repeatedly get hit by the wires as she screamed each time. Tina ended up stepping into fire and as she went up in flames she continued screaming. Alice then felt herself being levitated up in the air along with Miss Desjardin as Carrie sent the wires in the floor where the water was. Alice and Miss Desjardin were thrown behind Carrie where they were both safe, unlike the others from being electrocuted to death. Alice sat up and looked up at Carrie as she levitated forward up in the air to leave the school.

                                                                           Time Skip

Alice walked out of the school beside Miss Desjardin. They both had a blanket around them. The police and firemen  were dealing with the situation. Sue walked up to them and looked at them. None of them said a word. Miss Desjardin began crying. Alice patted Miss Desjardin's uninjured arm since her other arm was wrapped up in a shoulder sling. Alice was sad Freddy and George were killed by Carrie but Alice knew it was because Carrie had snapped at the cruel prank that whoever had pulled on her, Alice blamed whoever was responsible for the set up of the bucket and the red liquid for this happening. I hope you recover quickly Miss Desjardin, Alice said. Alice then followed Sue.

Sue will you be ok since Tommy's gone and from everything that happened? Alice asked Sue. I'm going to Carrie's house to help her, Sue said. Ok then, I'm coming with you too, Alice told Sue. Alice put the blanket around her on the ground and followed Sue to her car and they went to Carrie's house.

Alice and Sue arrived to Carrie's house and went inside. They found Carrie sitting on the floor by her mom who had knives and scissors in her body. Alice noticed Carrie had bath herself since she was now wearing a blue dress and was no longer covered in that red liquid. Alice figures that Margaret was dead.

Carrie? let me help you Carrie, Sue said. Carrie looked at both Alice and Sue then back at her mom. Why couldn't you leave me alone? Carrie asked Sue. I'm sorry, Sue told Carrie. Carrie shot oud her arm and got ahold of Sue. Look what you turned me into, Carrie told Sue. Let her go Carrie, Alice spoke up. Don't hurt me, Carrie, Sue said. Why not? Carrie asked Sue. I've been hurt my whole life, Carrie added. Alice worried for Sue's life. Carrie them let go of her hold on Sue and turned her focus back on her mom.

Carrie levitated her mom up as she stood up and looked up at the ceiling then walked towards them. I killed my mom, Carrie told them. I want her back, Carrie said. Carrie looked sad and it broke Alice's heart to see Carrie like this. I'm scared, Carrie told them. You don't have to be scared Carrie, Sue and I are here for you now, Alice told Carrie. Things began falling through the ceiling. This also terrified Alice. Carrie fell to the floor still holding her dead mom as more objects fell through the ceiling. Alice and Sue fell to the floor. We've got to get out of here! Sue said. Alice and Sue got up and rushed toward Carrie, holding out their arm for Carrie to grab their hand. Give me your hand, Sue and Alice said at the same time.

Come on Carrie we need to get out of this house now, Alice told Carrie. Give me your hand, Sue repeated. Carrie looked up at Sue and Alice. Come on! Sue added. Carrie raised her arm up to Sue's stomach . It's a girl, Carrie told Sue, smiling. What? Sue asked Carrie. That's what Sue got sick that day, she's pregnant, Alice thought to herself. You don't know? Carrie asked Sue. Oh my God, Sue said. Alice smiled feeling happy for Sue, but also sad that since Tommy was dead, Sue would be a single mother, but at least Sue still had her family to help her.

Carrie raised Sue up in the air, Get out! Carrie told Sue. Get out! Carrie repeated. Carrie threw Sue out of the house. Alice get out! Carrie told her. No I'm not leaving you Carrie, I'm staying with you, Alice told Carrie. Alice sat on the floor by Carrie and placed her hand on Carrie's hand.  You're not alone Carrie, I'm here for you, Alice told Carrie. Carrie looked at Alice with tears coming out of her eyes.  Alice reached her hand forward and wiped Carrie's tears away. Alice and Carrie looked into each others eyes.

Moments passed, they slowly leaned towards each other and their lips met. They kissed each other for a few seconds then pulled away. I love you Alice, Carrie told her. Alice smiled happily. I love you too Carrie, Alice told Carrie. Alice stayed sitting beside Carrie. Thank you for being here for me, Carrie added. Alice was then hit in the head by a object and was knocked unconscious as the house collapsed on them while Sue watched from outside holding her stomach.

                                                                       Author's Note

I have one chapter left to write for this fanfiction. With the fact at the end of the movie with Carrie's headstone breaking and her scream it is hinted that she is still alive, would anyone be interest in me writing a second book with Carrie and Alice both alive and as adults living somewhere else and to see them as a couple? What do you think Carrie and Alice's ship name should be?

THANK YOU - CARRIE WHITE (1)Where stories live. Discover now