Chapter Six

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Alice ate her slice of pizza, with her water bottle and second slice of pizza nearby, while sitting in front of Carrie during lunch as Carrie was busy underlining words in the book with a pen. Alice was glad Carrie was eager to learn about her abilities and they planned to practice more later on. Alice was happy how Carrie didn't see how having telekinesis was evil, demonic or witch like, considering the fact that Carrie was raised by her single religious mother to also be religious. Once Carrie and I are alone I'll ask her to be my prom date and hopefully she doesn't have a bad reaction, Alice thought to herself.

Alice noticed Tommy walking up to their table. Why is he walking up to our table, Alice wondered to herself. Hey Carrie, I was, I was looking for you at the library because that's were they said you were , but you weren't there so I figured maybe you were here, Tommy said. Alice watched as Tommy grabbed the telekinesis book. Telekinesis, unlocking the mind, Tommy began. Carrie grabbed the book and set it down in front of her. No, no no, no, no, no, no, is that about hypnosis? because me, me and my friends, we tried that, we actually hypnotized my boy's dog, Tommy laughed. Alice laughed at that, while Carrie stayed quiet. Anyway, how are you doing? Tommy asked Carrie.

I'm ok, Carrie responded. Cool, Tommy said. So you know how prom is next week? Tommy asked Carrie. You know? Tommy asked. Alice was surprised at tommy for asking Carrie to go to prom with him, since Sue was his girlfriend. I should have asked Carrie earlier when I still had the chance, I did not see this coming, did Tommy and Sue break up?, what is going on?, I need to talk to Sue later, Alice thought to herself. Alice hoped that Carrie would say no to Tommy. What? Carrie asked Tommy. The prom, next week, Carrie, Tommy asked. Carrie got up. Carrie, Tommy said. Alice was angered how people were laughing.

Alice got up and went after Carrie. Carrie, Tommy said. Stop! Carrie told Tommy. Please just stop trying to trick me, Carrie said. No, I'm not trying to trick you, I'm not tricking you, Tommy told Carrie. Aren't you with Sue Snell? Carrie asked Tommy. Yeah, I'm with Sue Snell but she doesn't want to go, I'm sorry, Tommy told Carrie. Tommy handed Carrie back her belonging and Carrie grabbed it and walked away. Alice followed after Carrie.

                                                                                    Time Skip

Alice sat behind Carrie in the bench in the locker room while Carrie was crying. Alice gently patted Carrie's back and did her best to comfort her. Miss Desjardin walked in. Did one of the girls try something again? Miss Desjardin asked Carrie. I got invited to prom, Carrie told Miss Desjardin. Really? Miss Desjardin asked Carrie. That's...that's great news, Miss Desjardin said. With who? Miss Desjardin asked Carrie, as she sat down on the bench smiling. Carrie turned to face Miss Desjardin. It's Tommy ross, Carrie responded. Wow Tommy Ross, he is pretty dreamy? Miss Desjardin said. Yeah, Carrie responded. I know who he goes around with, they're just going to trick me again, right? Carrie said. 

Maybe he really meant it, Miss Desjardin said. No, Carrie said. Yes, of course he did, Miss Desjardin told Carrie. Why? Carrie asked. Why would he want to go with me? Carrie asked. Come here, Miss Desjardin told Carrie. miss Desjardin held Carrie's hand as they both got up and walked to the mirror. Alice got up and walked over and stood on the other side of Carrie. Miss Desjardin held Carrie's shoulders in a caring way. Do you know what I see? miss Desjardin asked. I see a beautiful young woman, Miss Desjardin told Carrie. Carrie crossed her arms. 

maybe wear a little makeup, Miss Desjardin said, while pulling Carrie's hair back. Pinch your cheeks a little bit, Miss Desjardin continued as she poked Carrie's cheek and other cheek. Put some color in there, Miss Desjardin said., while pulling the other side of Carrie's hair behind her. Curl your hair, stand up straight, there you go, Miss Desjardin said. Alice was happy to see how Miss Desjardin help Carrie stop crying and to be happy. 

I'll just wait and see if Carrie says yes or not to Tommy, if she says yes, I won't mind, if she says no to Tommy then I will ask her to prom with me, Alice thought to herself.  Alice just wanted Carrie to be happy and if Carrie wanting to go to prom with Tommy made her happy, Alice wouldn't be selfish, she would just deal with it because she truly cared about Carrie.

                                                       Author's note

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