Chapter Five

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Alice was sitting on a seat on the bleachers in the gym room beside Sue and their friends, while others were helping with prom decorating, when Chris walked into the room. So I'm offically out of the prom, Chris said, I bet that cocksucker Morton loses his job though, my dad is suing him. Jesus, Sue and Alice, why didn't both of you stand up for me? Chris asked. We could have had them by the balls, Chris added. We deserved it,  for what we did to Carrie White, Sue told Chris. I thought I deserved it, Sue added. What you did was fucked up Chris, Alice said. Desjardin was right, Sue told Chris, we did a shitty thing for no reason.

bullshit! that Carrie goes around saying that everyone but her and her mother are going to hell and you both stick up for her? come on! Chris said. You can be such a pig sometimes Chris, Sue said, as Sue got up and walked up to Chris. What did Carrie White ever do to you? Sue asked Chris. She's been begging for it since the sixth grade, Chris responded. I got to go, Sue told Chris and walked away. Hey, I seem to remember you were in there throwing shit like the rest of us, Chris said. I wasn't and I'm leaving now, Alice spoke up. What was it that she was calling her? Chris asked. Freak? Chris questioned. I stopped, Sue responded. 

Oh you stopped? Chris questioned Sue. Yeah, Sue responded. Alice got up and walked towards Sue. Why did you keep running? Chris asked Sue. Stop it, Chris, Sue told Chris. Just fucking stop Chris, Alice told Chris. I'm not done yet Alice, Chris told Alice. you kept running, Sue, little Suze, because you've been dreaming about senior year and the perfect boyfriend and the perfect prom  your whole goddamned life, you've already booked the hotel, already practiced the sounds you're going to make when you and Tommy make love, Chris laughed, that's why, you had this bullshit change of heart, you don't give a shit about Carrie White, and everybody knows it, Chris said, as Sue and Alice both finally walked away from Chris. I'll see you both around, Sue and Alice, Chris said, as they both walked out the gym room.

                                                                                          Time Skip

Alice entered her bedroom and locked the door, holding her purple prom dress since purple was her favorite color. Alice put her prom dress in her closet and set her book bag and purse down on her table next to her cellphone and laptop. Alice planned to eventually ask Carrie to be her prom date and hoped that Carrie wasn't homophobic, with being religious and since Alice herself wasn't religious. Alice believed in life after death, Angels and finding peace, also reuniting with dead loved ones.

Make me my supper now Alice, her dad yelled, I'm hungry. Alice unlocked her door and closed the door behind her. Make your own fucking food you lazy pig, Alice yelled at her dad. Alice you are grounded, her dad yelled. Whatever pig, Alice responded. Her dad stormed past her and went inside her bedroom and came out a few moments later. Alice felt surprise and rage as she watched him enter his bedroom and shut the door and lock it. Alice pounded on the door with her fist. Give me back my prom dress right fucking now, Alice yelled in anger. Her dad's door suddenly broke and fell down which allowed Alice to walk inside.

Alice saw her dress in a bin and on fire. Tears came out of her eyes an she felt anger, hatred for her dad and sadness over the money she spent on this beautiful dress, and her dad just destroyed it. That's what you get for breaking one of the glasses I paid for , for being disrespectful and talking back to me, this is my house and you will not be her for much longer, her dad told her. I can't wait until you are out of my life forever, her dad added, you're a demon witch just like your mother, she had it coming, stupid bitch, I bet she's in hell right now where she belongs and where you'll be going once you die and I will be going to heaven where i will never have to see either of you ever again.

Alice shot out her hand and her dad flew backwards and hit the wall. Alice ran back to her bedroom, closing the door and locking it. She lay on the bed and cried into her pillow. I can't wait to get away from my dad and move out, Alice thought to herself. Alice was glad she had a box of money under her bed from what money her mom and grandparents wills  and the job she had with babysitting since she was thirteen years old so that she could afford to buy her own house and whatever she needed. Alice was relieved how her dad never found it and hoped that he would never find it because it was her money, not his.

I'm going out to eat, don't touch my things, don't go in my bedroom you demon witch, her dad yelled, as Alice used a tissue to wipe her tears. You fucking hypocrite, Alice yelled at her dad, before hearing him slam the door shut as he left her home alone once again, which made her happy. To cheer herself up Alice decided to open up her laptop and listen to Linkin Park and Evanescence and other songs she liked while singing along to each song.

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