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It's painful. Very painful.

I can feel my bones twisting. Cracking.

I can feel my skin breaking and bleeding.

It's hot. Very hot.

My veins are throbbing painfully. My insides are on fire. The gag on my mouth's keeping my unheard screams of agony. I can taste my salty tears.

Tears of resentment and pain.

My vision is all blurry. I can feel my end coming. Nearer. Nearer. I'm almost there.

Then I was granted a moment of utopia. The pain's gone. My skin and veins are reattaching. My bones are realigning. Ah, the bliss of healing. My insides no longer burn, instead, I feel like I'm in a cool bath after walking the desert. Refreshing. Gentle. Peaceful.

It lulls me to sleep. I fought hard to keep my eyes open but my weariness is pulling me. Before I close my eyes, I saw those smug faces. Taunting. Merciless. Snickering at my pain. The faces I protected.

I saved.

I cherished.

I loved.

The faces I now hate more than anyone. The faces of the people I once called friends and family. The people who will taste my pain and agony. Soon.

Then I saw a blue fire appear beside me. An intense heat that gave me comfort instead of hate. Then I registered a pink, green, brown, orange, cyan, lavender, white and yellow clouds.

Ah. My Father, have you come to save me? My brothers, have you come to take me away? Did you come to grant me my wish?

If that's so, then please, take me far away.

Ahh! Done with the Pro!
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