From Ashes

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The moment those ominous words left his younger brother's mouth, Amaimon felt dread and pride crawled his whole being. He is very proud that finally, his younger brother accepted the other half of his blood whole-heartedly. He is ready to wield his power and can finally live up to the title Demon Prince. Yet, somehow somewhere is his heart, he is saddened by the fact that the small other things that make up Rin as Rin have the possibility to vanish for maybe forever! The face that should be full of grin and mischievous delight is replaced with a cold blankness and sneer of fury. He can feel the suffocating fury lashing around the room that if he concentrates, he can almost taste the bitter tang of it in the air.

Gone was the happy, determined, kind hearted, caring idiot full of mischief and has a serious case of ADhD. Instead, in its place is a raging, calm beast, coiled and waiting to strike; waiting to unleash its fury. Here is the Rin that the humans were all looking for; the Demon Prince, son of Satan, wielder of the blue flames.

Somewhere inside the dorm, where Rin's classmates gathered around, Kurikara broke free of its scabbard. It flashed a bright blue before a heart-clenching crack sounded. And another and another until right before their very eyes, Kurikara shattered in pieces like the soul of its wielder. Their breathing shortened and understanding dawned in their minds: the seal that bound the demon is no more. What will happen now that they have unleashed a true demon in their midst? Will prayers and God be able to save them from the rage of an awakened beast?

The Vatican, upon receiving the news of the breaking of the seal immediately sent a large group of high-ranking exorcist to take down Rin. Mephisto, as usual, tried to twist his words to let them free Rin but neither charm nor play of words would be able to save him now, and they know it.

While Rin's case was on trial, he was put in their most secured cell with powerful seals and exorcists guarding it and chains and manacles subduing any bodily movement. The cold metals were doused in holy water and chanted in holy verses. It hurts his skin. The cold metals burn him. The pain makes his mind incoherent and numb but he fought it. He made the pain a reminder of the humans' treason to keep and fuel the fire of his loathe. He will join his Father and brothers in the underworld. He will be powerful. He will be unmatchable. He will live up to the title Demon Prince and then he will come back and let himself haunt those who damned and betrayed him. He will execute total annihilation and he'll be damn well laughing while he did so. For now though, he must endure and be patient. No need to be hasty now. The time will come. And when it comes, the world will bow to his feet. it would be bathed in red.

"The humans decide well, don't you think so?" a figure wearing a white three-piece suit and white shoes said to another.

"Yes. They are clever." The other, this one wearing a lilac three-piece suit, said in dark amusement. "Clever but stupid."

"That's cruel of you, Gaizka(1)" The man in white commented, a smirk adorning his face. "But you are right. What a treasure, Rin-kun is: a treasure gone to waste. A very beautiful gem, discarded just because of the dirt that hid his true visage."

"Though it works for us, right? Amara?(2)" Gaizka commented.

"Yes, it does. If those humans should have used him against us, we would be facing dire consequences. With him out of the way, things become a lot easier. I just can't help but grieve the impending lost of one of the few jewels of Assiah." Gaizka stared at Amara and he can discern true regret behind the amused visage of the other.

He really can't understand the man. He's very unexpected and volatile.

When the trial ended, Mephisto sagged in defeat. He lost. They lost. The Vatican reached a decision: Okumura Rin will be apprehended and executed in front of the Grigori tomorrow.

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