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It had been a little over a month since the near-disaster that happened in the Vatican HQ. Since then, there were only a few demon problems being reported and fewer demon activities happening all around. This is fortunate. The exorcists are left to enjoy peaceful days and the Vatican is left to recover from its near-destruction. Unfortunately, demon activities also included the summons and objects used by exorcists. Granted there were only a few exorcists who uses them but this situation should not be happening. Demon familiars were bound to their tamers and therefore should be inclined to answer to their calls but since the incident, the demon objects and anything relating to demons are refusing to be called forth rendering them useless.

This matter would have been solved quickly if only their resident demon and exorcist, namely Mephisto, is around and answering the Grigori's letters and invitations. But even the Knight seemed to take vacation for he remains off the grid until now that is. After countless letters sent to his office, only now did Mephisto gave his answer that okay, since they seem to want to look at his face that badly, he'll spare the time to give them an official visit. It may seem disrespectful but the Grigori tolerated the blatant display of disobedience for the purpose of their convoking is far more important than indulging Mephisto's childish games of goading them to retaliate.

And that is the reason why the Grigori assembled in the court, waiting for the errant Knight to appear.

Mephisto's arrival was announced with a literal bang. What with him pushing the heavy doors of the antechambers until the leaves hit the wall it connected to.

"Hello, hello, dear Grigori." He greeted with his wide- fanged grin that shows more mischief than what the Grigori was comfortable of. "How ya doin'?

"Mephisto." Called one to which the one being called answered with a prolonged yes filled with his usual dubiousness. "You are informed of the reason of your being here, correct?"

"Of course." He answered with flourish. "Not." He added and let out a giggle in his own private joke.

To which one of the Grigori admonished him.

"Come on, dear Grigori, I haven't seen you in what? 10 years? And the first time I see you, the first thing you do is be so formal and be sticks in the mud." He pouted. "No wonder the exorcists under you took after your attitudes; so uptight. Boring." He said with fake annoyance.

"Enough of this games, Mephisto. We are here not for a social visit but to conform an official inquiry about the demons."

"Oh? And what about them?" He asked. "I mean us."

"The familiars and the demon weapons refused to be called upon. One of the tamers nearly died because his familiar refused to be brought while in a fight with rogue ghouls and few exorcists were heavily wounded because of these occurrences. They are asking the cause of this matter."

Mephisto's face displayed shock or fake surprise, the Grigori don't know. He even accompanied his wide eyed appearance with covering his slack jawed mouth with his hand.

"I don't know."

"Cut us the slack, Mephisto. If there is someone who is well aware of what's happening to the demons, it's you. And you disappeared too, refusing our calls."

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