I am Abaddon

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Silence reigned in the auditorium. All are shocked to see a new demon, a high ranking demon, appearing in the stage and is supposed to teach them, exorcists - in - study, ways to off his kind.

More importantly, how did Mephisto got the approval of the Grigori? Why did the Grigori gave their approval? This is preposterous!


And to make matters worst, the new Sensei looked a lot too much like one of their deceased member.

Executed member.

What are you on, Mephisto?

"The fuck is this?" A protest rose up. "A demon for a new Sensei? Fuck you." Bon's sneer rivals that of an angered beast, lips pulled back, jaw snapped tight.

"Bon.." Konekomaru's meek voice tried to make Bon shut up. He is too afraid to even voice out his protests.

Mephisto's words were already on the tip of his malicious tongue when another voice, much lower than Bon's shout, filled with shocked and agony, was heard through out. And the word he uttered brought upon gasps and deafening silence.


Yukio was having an average good day.

Well, as good as a mid rank exorcist and teacher and a student can have anyway.

He woke up earlier than his usual, had time to savor his breakfast and go over his cram students' papers. He had time to study his lessons in advance for his day class and he arrived early at school. Arriving early meant that no fangirls around to bother him.
He nailed his quizzes and recitations. He managed to eat lunch without worrying over his students' papers so by the time cram school started, he was wondering why he suddenly had that feeling.

It was an instinct drilled to him since infancy that makes him hyper aware that a demon is nearby. It was an instinct that makes him not to look over there because a demon is lurking. It was an instinct that makes his hair stand on end, makes him alert. It was that feeling like something's going to happen. It was the same feeling that made him aware of his twin brother; that he was alive, breathing and generally okay.

Father Fujimoto once joked him it was his Rin Radar when he told him about it even though he can sense other demons with that instinct.

It was the feeling at the back of his mind that dulled when Rin, sweet innocent beloved Rin, was executed. That buzz escaped him, as if betrayed.

So it was gut wrenching to have it tingling at the back of his mind again. Stronger than ever as if anytime he turn his head, he'll see Rin in all his glory. It makes his head spin and his heart clench then beat up fast. He can feel the weight of his guns. They felt heavier and hotter against his clothed sides.

His Rin Radar suddenly came alive. But this is impossible. It's true that he can still sense demons better than everyone even after The Incident but it never came back. It died along with Rin's demise.

Why is it buzzing now? It can't mean that Rin is somehow alive, can it?

His answers was given when Mephisto introduced the new teacher. The new teacher who looks a lot like Rin but is not Rin because Rin was a light. His smiles were beacon of kindness. Not-Rin was also a light but different. Whereas Rin emits sunshines and rainbows and cute puppies, Not-Rin emits tendrils of lights, violent lashing lights that will undoubtly strangle anyone who gets close.

Rin was innocent. Not-Rin is dangerous.

Rin was one who smiles wide, popping his cute sharp fangs. Not-Rin is not smiling.

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