Prepare for The Arrival

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"The phoenix must burn to emerge."
-Janet Fitch

There is something beautiful in the way the darkness clings to the skin of Rin. Mephisto muses as he continues his watch over the still form of his younger brother. He doesn't know what it is but the way the shadows of the flames dance along Rin is simply mesmerizing.

Like vines of darkness creeping along his innocent heart. Slowly and slowly entangling and consuming until nothing left but thirst of hatred.. Burning and hot hatred, bottled and kept until it bursts forward causing death and destruction in its war path.

There is beauty in the way Rin, sweet and innocent naïve Rin, slowly fell and crumbled to pain and hurt. Maybe it was because of his demon, the one who naturally thrives in the pain of others that makes him thinks so. The way Rin succumbed to the darkness within and compassing his heart  makes him excited no matter how much sympathy he feels.

Death. Rin's death had been very dramatic. It was spectacular and ground-shaking; literally. It was an end that everyone will remember as tragic just as the day he was born. And his rebirth will be an apocalypse. When Rin will wake, his demon, the suppressed one, will rampage and hunger on the taste of the flesh. It will consume everything in its path. It will be powerful and intense. And when Rin mastered his demon? He will be unstoppable. Rin will be a force equaled to thousands of a demon army. Because Rin is a cambion, no exorcism rites will be able to stop him. No seals will take his powers away.

Because Rin?

Rin is the prophesied Anti-Christ. (Reference from Supernatural.) And he, Mephisto Pheles, along with his brothers and the whole of Gehenna, will make damn sure that the prophecy will come to fruition. Come heaven or high waters.

Akinlana kneeled before his Father, his head bowed in respect, his hands clasped in prayer.

"It had been confirmed, Father. Okumura Rin, the first-born nephilim of Satan, is dead. His soul is currently wandering in the vast plains and nothingness of Purgatory." He said solemnly.

He felt more than he heard his Father's grief and tears. Oh how merciful their Father is.

"The death of such a young soul is never easy. I allowed him to grow and live inside his Mother's womb along his brother's side. I used one of my people to guide him and he was guided well. Perhaps it was not enough. I did not focused on him enough." God wept.

Akinlana stilled his heart to not feel the sorrow of his Creator. "It was not Your fault, my Lord. It was fate. Death comes to all beings. Death touches and the soul departs. Okumura Rin's death had been pre ordained as per the behest of the natural order."

There was a moment of silence.

"His death had been indeed pre ordained but I was the one who defied fate in the beginning and let him live. If I had not, perhaps Rin's soul would be in peace, here in our gardens and not lost in Purgatory, full of ache and regrets."

Akinlana cannot answer. He does not have any answer because Father was right.

"I could not even give him proper rest in my gardens. I had not expected my children to be this cruel. The sin of the Father is not the sin of his child. And Satan came to being because of my children. And my children became what they are because I gave them their own mind."

God sighed and stilled His tears.

"Perhaps it is time, don't you think, Akinlana? Assiah had been left to its own devices for far too long."

"Yes, Father."

And a year from now, or perhaps not, the cry for battle will be sounded and the chariots of the angels will descend upon the earth.

"Samael, have you done the preparations?" Azazel asked.

"Yes, brother."

"A thousand souls of either virgins, children, true nuns, or people possessed by angels or demons." Azazel nodded. "I've rallied my Death Reapers for this moment, brother."

"And Beel went to hunt Lilith."

"Oh, the fallen one." Mephisto said blandly.

"Yes. We need her blood to complete the rebirth."

Mephisto tipped his wine glass. "To Rin."

"To Rin."

"I cannot contain my happiness that you had decided to join us, brother. While my heart weeps for the cruelty you had experienced, I cannot deny that I am thankful those animals drove you to us. You belong with us, brother. Your beauty alone indicates that you are above them. Once you are reborn, you will be a god above us all and I will see to it that everyone will bow down at your shadow. You will be a King. They will tremble at the sight of you. We will make sure that even God and his angels will do everything you desire just for you to look at them. I offer my life to you, brother. That is how much I love you." As fast as the shadow appeared beside the lavish death bed of Rin, it vanished. Leaving no traces behind.

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