ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖「ugly ninja」

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Naruto yelled as we all see kakashi get ripped up by the chains of two ugly ninjas.

Then the ninjas appeared behind Naruto "Now it's your turn" they say laughing.

'I must kill them before they get to kill Naruto' I thought trying to escape the yellow chains.

Vains grow on to my skin as I growl and growl trying to get out the chains to save Naruto.

The ninjas were about wrap there chains around Naruto I jumped in front of him.

But just as the chains touched me Madera no.2
throws his kuni on the ugly ninjas chain and traps them both on wood stomp.

Then stands on them grabs by their risk and kicks them in the face breaking their chains.

'Maybe he's not as bad as I thought' I think.

Then the ninja break off their chains and one ran at Naruto and the other ran after Tazuna.

The pink haired girl "Get back" at Tazuna as she jumped in front him to protect him from the enemy.

Madera no.2 jumps in front of them both to protect them.

Both they both attack Kakashi knock them both out.

"Hi" he says holding the ugly ninjas 'Kakashi sensei...! He's alive' Sakura thinks.

'Humph! Show off' Sasuke thinks "huh wa then what is that?what!" Naruto says looking at kakashi and realizing that he used a substitution jutsu.

"Nezuko, Naruto sorry I didn't help you right away. I didn't mean for you to get hurt. Naruto I just didn't think you'd freeze up like that" Kakashi said.

Tanzuna sighs and thinks 'they saved me after all'.

"Good job, Sasuke very smooth. You too Sakura" he complemented.

'I was useless! And Sasuke was so cool, like he'd done this a thousand times. Didn't he feel scared at all? He looks so calm not a scratch on him, and I was so lame. He had to come and save me and with Nezuko who got hurt trying. Ugh! Why can't I keep up with them?' Naruto thought.

"Hey" Sasuke says "Yeah?"  "You're not hurt are you? Scaredy-cat." Sasuke says teasing Naruto.

"SASUKE" Naruto yells "Naruto, stand still. These ninja have poison in their claws. We need to talk it out of you and Nezuko quickly" Kakashi said.

Naruto gasped will I had a dumbfounded face. 'You can kill me unless your a god. You can only seal me away and even that takes a lot of chakra and time' I thought.

"You have to open the wound and remove it. It's in so don't move around. That's spreads the poison" Kakashi explains.

I run up to Naruto to make sure he's ok. "HEY, NEZUKO! YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO MOVE. YOU'll DIE" the reindeer shouted.

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