ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣「A simpler mission」

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Sasuke I'm at point B" "Sakura i'm at point C" "Naruto I'm at point A" "hmph"

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Sasuke I'm at point B" "Sakura i'm at point C" "Naruto I'm at point A" "hmph".

"Naruto your too slow" " on my mark" Kakashi was about to say go but Naruto already got the cat.

"Do you see a red ribbon on the cats ear" "Yes" Then the cat started scratch Naruto, I had to intervene and growled a cat then attacked it.

'Don't hurt Naruto-sama' I thought then cat ran away. I started to case after it but got lost trying to find it.


The ear communication thingy screech and our ears hurt.

"You had an easy task to simply find a cat. Now that you failed at that I will give you a simpler task." The Hokage says.

"Help the villagers Gardeners pick up weeds, help the village councilors wife on a shopping spree, and-"

"No,no,no" Naruto said make an (x) sign with his arms. "I want to go on a real mission, something challenging and exciting, not this little kid stuff! Come on old man! ".

'He's got a point' Sasuke thinks 'But he's such a pain ' Sakura thought. Kakashi sighs ' I knew this was coming' he thought.

"HOW DARE YOU? You're just a brand new Genin with no experience. Like everyone else you start with simple missions to develop your skills and prove yourself. " Iruka yelled Naruto.

'Why is he yelling at Naruto is he going to attack. I won't let him' I thought and went to attack Iruka.

"Are you serious? Babysitting is not a mission. It just a stupid ahh" Naruto yells but is smacked in the the back of the head by Kakashi.

Kakashi grabs the back of my kimono "Not every time someone does something Naruto you have to kill them" he scolds.

"Hmph" I say "oh right I new Nezuko was going to do this so I got this restraint" Hokage says passing Kakashi yellow chain.

"This was used to tame tailed beast so it should work on Nezuko" the Hokage said.

Kakashi puts the yellow chain around Me. "Hmph?" I said in a questioning tone "This is so you don't attack everyone you see" Kakashi said to me.

"Naruto! It seems that you don't understand the tasks you have been given" the Hokage scolds.

"Listen many different kinds of requests come into our village every day, from babysitting to assassinations. These requests are carefully recorded, analyzed, then ranked A,B,C or D, depending on their difficulty. We ninja are also ranked by ability. Hokage at the top, Jonin, Chunin, and Genin at the bottom. At the highest level we select the missions and assign them to the ninja who have the appropriate skill and experience. And if the mission is successful, we receive a fee that supports our village and our work. Since you are untried Genin just starting down the Shinobi path, you are given a D-level assignment, of course" the Hokage says "hmph" I said thinking about how this is interesting.

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