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"Tell me how much you want it..." his voice hoarse in-between her kisses while he removed a hand from her hip to unbutton his jeans.

Stevie bit her bottom lip, her forehead pressing against his while her eyes searched for something. Her hands slid from the back of his head, her fingers smoothing over his jawline. She was an absolute sucker for his prominent features and he was so grateful to still have his bone structure untouched by age.

"God, you're still so fine..." she whispered, caressing his ego a little, part of her was trying to avoid answering his question. She knew what was happening and she also knew they were too far gone to stop it.

"Thank you... but that's not what I asked you."

"Lindsey!!" Stevie declared, her hands pressing his shoulders into the sofa. His heart fluttered at the forcefulness, there was nothing more attractive than when she took control. She could do whatever she liked, he'd take anything.

"What?!" he grinned, trying to annoy her.

Stevie sighed, rolling her eyes before she lifted her top off, revealing her lacy, see through bra.

"Fuck." Lindsey mouthed, his hands cupping around her chest, his fingers gently feeling the lacy material while she leaned her head back, eyes closed as she enjoyed the feeling of his hands on her. His eyes wandered up to her face, studying her facial expressions while he circled his thumbs over her nipples. Her body had instantly reacted the way he wanted, the growing firmness of her nipples only encouraging him more.

"I fucking knew you wanted me..." he whispered, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. He wasn't sure if he was just trying to convince himself that she wanted him more than he had always wanted her. The burning ache in his jeans was only getting worse the more he stared at her chest, his fingers bringing her some kind of pleasure as she grinded against his hips.

As he spoke those words, Stevie smirked, pulling her head forward to stare into his eyes. He was worked up, he was battling some kind of self control, he was most definitely scared, he had his guard up and he was flustered by the ever growing tension and she knew just as well as he did that it was because this whole situation was wrong. She knew him so well, could read him like a book, every expression on his face, the way his eyebrows would rest above his not so discreet ocean blues. She often wondered from time to time if he had let that slip his mind all those years ago.

Although his statement was bold, cocky and completely predictable... it wasn't a lie, she did want him. More than she ever had as the years had gone by.

"And this is all you have to offer, Lindsey? I honestly thought that I would be screaming your name by now..." She stared down at his hands on her chest, a small shake of her head while she pursed her lips, trying to look disappointed. She wasn't disappointed, his hands could work her like no other.

Lindsey chuckled, disbelief at the filth that was coming from her mouth. Without replying he slid his fingers through the back of her hair, his fingers resting on the small of her neck, gently but also forcefully pulling her down to his lips. His lips caught hers, his body pressing into her firmly until she was too enveloped in his mouth to realise that he had slid his arms around her waist. Her arms slipped around his neck and he took the opportunity to stand, her legs wrapping around his hips while his mouth forced hers to open against his. Her breathing increased, the discreet panting in his ears from her as she slid her tongue into his mouth.

That slow burning ache seeped through his body again, his legs like jelly as he carried her through the moving tour bus. Leading her through the bus to his bedroom door he pushed his foot against his bedroom door in hopes it wasn't latched shut. Her back hit the door as he kept moving, realising he'd need to push the handle down. He groaned, pressing himself into her body, his hands slid from underneath her, the front of his body propping her up. If she wanted unpredictability, he'd give her unpredictability.

With his mouth desperately tasting her, his tongue forcing entry into her mouth he let his left hand grip around her hip bone, holding her in place against the door while his right hand slipped through the gap of her silky shorts. His fingers met the warmth of her core, a small gasp from her while his fingers soothed up and down her slit. He couldn't believe how wet she was, it had been a long time since he had felt this much excitement from a woman and he then remembered that this was exactly why sex with Stevie was always mind blowingly hot and heavy. How had he forgotten? Or was it more that he had to keep such thoughts at bay, knowing that as a married man, he could no longer have her.

"Fuck!" Stevie gasped, the length of Lindsey's middle finger now inside her. Her heart rate had increased the more she thought about the fact that he had her pinned up against a door while he was fingering her.

"Yeah..." he whispered knowingly, his lips soothing down her jaw to rest upon the crook of her neck. He closed his eyes, listening to her breathing while he painstakingly slid his finger out of her as leisurely as he could muster. Slowly, his finger glided into her again, his hand pushing upwards as much as it could, his whole finger surrounded by the warmth of her. She held her breath, awaiting his next move. The pad of Lindsey's finger slowly curled, pressing into her G-spot deeply while Stevie moaned gently into his ear. This whole scene was driving him insane.

He repeated his motion until she was digging her nails into the back of his neck, his finger soaking wet from the build up he was creating. He smirked to himself, pressing his forehead into hers before slipping his finger free from her nightwear. He brought his finger up to her mouth, resting it along her lips before he too, pressed his lips against the other side of his finger. She stared into his eyes, watching as he slowly opened his mouth, his tongue gliding over his finger before she too, left open kisses against his finger, her lips and tongue tasting both his lips and his finger.

"Bedroom. Now." she whispered, her tongue gliding across the length of his finger and he nodded. His legs had grown weak with the tension between them and he wanted nothing more than to rid himself of his jeans. Her legs wrapped around him tightly, her hands around his neck once more while he used a free hand to push down on the door handle of his bedroom.

She didn't even have time to take in the interior of the room, all she cared about was the bed he had laid her down upon. He stood up straight, staring down at her while he pushed his jeans down his hips, kicking them off his ankles before he crawled on top of her. She too had kicked her shorts off, landing close to his discarded jeans.

"Ready?" he spoke, his length complete ready for her. He wasn't going to fuck about anymore, if he didn't take her now he would burst, the throbbing almost too much to take.

She smirked, her legs wrapping around the back of his legs while he used his hand to guide himself into her. In one swift motion he had filled her, his eyes closed while his mouth hung open at the sensation. That same, mind blowingly, indescribable sensation they had felt only earlier on that day. That sensation they had deprived themselves from for years. Emotions that should still be forbidden and actions that would only become obsessive the more they played them out. It felt so right and it felt so good. Almost too good.

"Yesss. Yes. Lindsey!" her moans increased the harder he thrusted and that only encouraged him further, the hunger had become all too much for him that he couldn't take it slow and he was glad she was feeling the same way. His hands reached up to grip onto the headboard of his bed, anything to give him more power and force. He knew this was wrong, he knew that he was sinking into trouble and he just didn't care. He had missed this passion, this hunger, this desire and the way she felt as he pushed them both further into a state of bliss. Thoughts of regret and what ifs filled his mind and he only thrust harder, anything to rid those thoughts that would always haunt him. He had her now, she was here with him and that was all that mattered.

As she moaned his name in sheer bliss, tears slid from the corner of her eyes, certain emotions she could no longer hide. The whole scene had overwhelmed her, the reuniting of two former lovers a dangerous road that they seemed to be riding and she wondered just how far it would go. She pushed the thoughts aside, her hands wrapping around his shoulder blades, for she had him for now. He was hers and she would take as much of him as he would give to her.

||24 Karat Gold|| Lindsey Buckingham & Stevie NicksWhere stories live. Discover now