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Laying upon the freshly made bed in her hotel suite, Stevie pondered. She hadn't laid her eyes upon the glorious cheekbones and chiseled jawline of  a certain Lindsey Buckingham for what felt like days. In reality it had only been a day, for once she had made her escape from his tour bus, they had reached their latest destination and she found they were parked around the back of their hotel for the next few nights. The whole situation had been whirling around in her mind, small details too, such as the fact that she knew Karen had been avoiding at all costs, the elephant in the room. The fact that her boss had marched over to her ex lovers tour bus for what was supposed to be a quick five minute chat. Yeah, right...

Having had an extra day off, Stevie was able to gather all thoughts on the situation without having to be in the presence of Lindsey. It made it easier to have a clearer vision, had she stayed with him and woke up in bed with him, she would have been stuck with his charm, the way his hands would do things to her and that was most definitely not going to help her in this escalating situation they have found themselves in. However it was now showtime and she had found herself walking down the twisty corridors to continue the only consistent routine she had got herself into on this tour, her ritual of standing at the side of the stage before anyone else from the band appeared, or so she thought. 

As she walked past various amounts of sound and stage equipment to the sidelines, she found her eyes boring into Lindsey's back. She paused for a moment, taking in his figure, she wished she could read his mind, to get a glimpse of his inner thoughts. His head tilted back and she finally noticed the beer bottle in his hand as he took a swig. That image, especially in this day and age would always be a strange one. Was this some kind of rebellion? What was his game? Did he no longer feel he had responsibilities on this tour?

"You're standing in my spot, mister." she spoke, now standing shoulder to shoulder with him as they dared not to look at each other. 

Lindsey smiled weakly, shuffling over to the left slightly before his arm rested around her shoulder, shimmying her closer until she stood where he had been contemplating thoughts in his mind. She noted he had kept his arm around her, his beer bottle hanging over her shoulder loosely while he continued to stay quiet. 

Being in each others presence, but with this silence between them was exactly what they needed. Being alone and having the exact same thoughts and images of their second round of passion hadn't been healthy for either of them and they were both dying to know what each other were feeling. Lindsey had felt crushed as soon as he'd awoken to find himself alone and Stevie...well she actually regretted ever leaving his tour bus. 

"You, uh..." Lindsey smiled, staring straight ahead while Stevie stole a quick glance of his face before she shuffled her feet to be closer to him, now hip to hip as they stared out ahead as casually as they could. 

"There's something in the front pocket of my jeans that you um, well... I'm presuming that you forgot when you left me." his voice turned to a whisper, knowing that there was a lot of stage crew personnel kicking about. Stevie pondered, trying to stay cool for he had made it quite obvious by the grin on his face that he was getting a kick out of whatever may be lurking in his pocket. 

"And would you care to return this item you have stashed away in your pocket?" she spoke with her voice cool and collected. Inside though, her heart rate had increased the more she wondered. 

"Oh, well I'm not sure that it would be at all suitable to return this item out in the open like this." 

Stevie smirked, a small shake of her head while she tried to scan her memory for any clue as to what he could have of hers that would even fit in his damn pocket. 

"Well Linds, could I perhaps get a quick glimpse of this item for the time being...because, y'know... you don't want me up on that stage forgetting my words because my ditsy little brain is trying to ponder what evidence I have left behind in your bedroom."

Lindsey removed his arm from her shoulders, swapping the beer bottle to his left hand to free his dominant hand before he rather smugly shoved his fingers into the depths of his front pocket. 

Stevie glanced both left and right to ensure there hadn't been any eyes gazing upon them before she stared down at his fingers in horror. 


She wanted to scream inside, one for being so reckless and two, because Lindsey Buckingham, a married man at that, who was standing so close to thousands of fans just around the corner from where they were standing with her pair of black, lace french knickers within his hand. The memory came flooding back to her instantly, for she had been wearing those under her shorts before she kicked everything from her waist below to the floor in his bedroom in one swift motion. The very same pair that were now in his damn pocket. The pocket of his jeans, the jeans that he was wearing to play a show for hours. With her knowing exactly what he was hiding in his pocket. With him knowing exactly what he had brought up onto stage with him. Stone cold evidence of their night of adultery. Right there. In his fucking pocket. 

"You are just... unbelievable." she whispered, watching as he thumbed the material before she had enough, her elbow quickly nudging him in the gut while he chuckled at how much panic and embarrassment was written upon her face. 

"And you... are forgetful, dearest Steph." he shoved his hand back into his pocket, pushing down the lace as far as it would go into his pocket, ensuring there was no way her underwear would be making a guest appearance on stage by accident. 

Stevie bit her bottom lip in disbelief, a small shake of her head before she left his side to turn her attention to Christine. Lindsey couldn't stop the smug expression plastered on his face, bringing his bottle of beer to his lips. If there was one thing he loved more than anything, it was most definitely making Stevie Nicks flustered... and as far he was concerned, he had only just begun. 

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