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She just couldn't help herself, internally screaming as she walked further down the corridor his suite resided on, battling with how crazy she knew she was behaving. She didn't even know what she was going to say really, apart from shoving a set list she had printed off into his face there was no real aim for her visit. As she walked, the warm buzz from the half bottle of red wine she had downed while in the bathtub had started to seep into her blood. She wasn't even properly dressed, but that was absolutely intentional. After having a long soak in the tub she had redone her makeup, her hair and she had opted for a silky, black kimono, tied shut with a sash to cover the blend of lace and silk of her shorts and tank top. It had been such a long time since he had seen her in such attire and a part of her wanted to remind him just what that had looked like, what he had been missing for years and years, what he would continue to miss. 

He was quick with his words, almost catching her off guard as he opened the door. 

"Oh, wait a minute. Where's the paparazzi, have you got them hiding around the corner of the corridor? For they'd sure as hell get a kick out of this, you standing at my hotel room door...I'm being serious now, what the fuck are you doing here?" 

She knew he was standing there topless, his jeans dangerously loose around his hips but she just couldn't break eye contact with his piercing eyes and she wanted nothing more than to play this whole situation as cool as possible. 

"Well, I thought I would be a good band member Lindsey. Here, this is for you." she smiled, holding her hand out. His eyes searched hers before his arm drew out cautiously, his hand taking the piece of paper from her grasp. As he broke eye contact to unfold the piece of paper, she took a quick glance of his body. She wasn't sure if it was the drink but couldn't help but feel that old ache of desire in her lower abdomen. He still had it, there was absolutely no doubt about it. It was just a shame that his attitude had deteriorated much faster than his looks. She chuckled to herself at the thought, biting her bottom lip as she focused on the expression upon Lindsey's face. 

"Okay, um... this is a set-list. Why are you giving me a set-list...Stevie, I don't have time for this, I've got a pizza on it's wa-" 

Just as he mentioned the word pizza, room service had turned the corner to find the pair standing there staring as though they were deer in headlights. 

"Good evening, sir...madam... I have your order, would you like me to place it inside your suite?" 

"Ooh, fantastic. Thank you so much. I will take this from your hands, I am starving." Stevie chirped as she took the plate from the young man before Lindsey could even open his mouth to respond. They waited in silence, watching the young man disappear back around the corner of the corridor before their eyes once again met. 

"Stevie, what the fuck is going on here... and give me that, jesus christ." Lindsey raised his eyebrows, watching as she bit into a slice of his pepperoni pizza. His free hand grabbed the plate from her grasp while she chewed on the slice she had taken from his plate. 

"What don't you understand?" she muttered as she chewed through the greasy dough. 

"WHY have you given me a damn setlist and why the fuck do you think it's acceptable to just come to my door, dressed like that when anybody could see you and now you've taken my dinner and I... I just want to have a fucking beer with my pizza in peace if I'm being honest." 

Stevie rolled her eyes, throwing the chewed slice of pizza back onto his plate. 

"Oh, come on Buckingham. I brought the set list over so you could read it intently so you don't fuck up the damn show by playing any unplanned songs at the next show." 

Lindsey bit his bottom lip, he couldn't believe the audacity of her. 

"Well, perhaps you would like this setlist back for your own needs... for we no longer do encores. We haven't done encores for decades."

"And the fans absolutely loved it... didn't they, Lindsey?" 

Lindsey sighed deeply, his chest rising as he shook his head at the smug look she had upon her face. She had come for a fight, to finish what had been started on stage in front of thousands of fans. 

"I don't have the time for this... you should go back to your room, maybe sober up a little because it seems that you are having trouble handling your drink these days." 

"The only thing I'm having trouble handling, is you." 

Lindsey had just turned around to place his pizza on a side table, his intention to shut the door on her face until she spoke. 

"Steph... I-... what do you want from me? Huh? Another big bust up, another screaming match, like we had at your front fucking door all those months ago when I got down on my knees and practically begged you to play with The Mac?"

"That wasn't begging!" Stevie replied sharply, her voice raised as he hit a nerve. 

"That was a visit full of abuse and you know damn well that it was. You broke my heart all over again that day."

Lindsey ran a hand through his hair, the sound of his shower still running from inside his suite. 

"If it broke your heart, how do you think I felt...admitting such things to you? Do you want me to admit them again, right here, in the doorway of my fucking suite? Is that what you want?" 

"I- I don't know what I want..." her eyes glazed over, her arms crossed as she shook her head gently. 

"If it's an apology, then that is something I cannot give you... I meant every damn word that day Steph. You caught me off guard, should I have kept those thoughts in my head... well, yeah, probably. I can't change my admissions now though, what was said, was said and I know how hard it is to swallow. Try having those admissions hidden for so long..." 

"Do not..." Stevie paused, holding her palm out in front of her while Lindsey leaned against the frame of his door. 

"Do not lecture me on regret, on tortuous thoughts, on actions that had major consequences that are still having an impact on my life to this day. Actions that have obviously had an impact on you... you certainly managed to hide it well for years." 

"Steph..." Lindsey whispered, his eyes glazing over as he held his fist to his mouth. He didn't want to discuss that day, not tonight. He was too tired mentally while his body was too wired from the show. 

"Lindsey!" Stevie mimicked as she stared into his watery eyes, her bottom lip trembling until she stood, sobbing at his door, the alcohol had more than likely helped with how fragile she was feeling as she stood there, staring into his deep, blue eyes. Lindsey's heart ached, it didn't matter what had gone on earlier on that day, he instinctively stepped into her personal space, his arms wrapping around her small frame while her hands slid over the bare skin of his back, her face against his warm chest. He still cared deeply for the person she was, the genuine girl he fell in love with so long ago, the girl who was now hiding under a persona she had built up around her. 

"C'mon..." he whispered, sadness in his voice as he walked backwards with her wrapped up in his arms, her feet walking with him until she heard him kick the door shut behind them. He had just known, that day he had left her on her doorstep after she had signed the contract, as he drove his car out of her driveway. He just knew she would come looking for more answers eventually, more details, more emotions. 

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