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As Lindsey stood there in the center of her suite, he wished for nothing more than to be able to run his fingers across his jawline. The action would reflect the mood he was in, his mind mentally searching for the intentions Stevie had for him, all the while trying to maintain his cool. He wasn't quite sure how to react, a part of him just wanted to relax and to let her take him down whatever road she had chosen. Perhaps this was why she handcuffed him, for he always liked to be in control and she knew that better than anyone. Maybe she wanted to take control, now this would be new territory for them both. It felt dangerous, the unknown made his heart thud within his chest. The only reason she handcuffed him was simply because Lindsey was notorious for treating his sexual adventures as a competition, much like music really, half the time he did it just to see how far he could push his luck, trying to reach new levels of pleasure. She wanted to show him a thing or two, to let him know that he wasn't the only one who could play that game. 

"I don't need my hands, I can still take you to where you want to be." he whispered, a smirk upon his lips as she shook her head. He had no idea where that came from, the sentence was bold, stupid and dangerous. He had to remember he was in the wrath of an extremely powerful woman, a woman,with  whom he had been having  intense sexual tensions with in secret all too often recently. 

He was bothered. His jaw wouldn't stop clenching, knowing that he would not be able to control this situation the more he stared into her eyes, a glint of satisfaction oozing from her globes. Stevie was absolutely thriving on this, the energy of his eyes as he stared her down. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, her feet drifting across the room to pour herself another glass of wine. She was nervous, he could tell. She had already downed her first glass of wine, the empty glass rising with wine as she poured, her hand slightly shaking. She was unsure of herself and if she really had the balls to do whatever it was she had planned. 

"Would you like a glass?" she spoke, her tone unphased by his remark. 

"I'd prefer a whiskey, if I'm being honest." he spoke, all too aware of the tone of his voice as he tried to keep it smooth and cool. 

"Oh, I most certainly do have whiskey." Stevie spoke with emphasis, to let him know that she had indeed thought about him and his needs. She smiled gentle, placing her wine back onto a side table before walking over to the mini bar in the corner of her living area. 

"Good girl." he smirked. While she was occupied at the mini bar, he took in his surroundings. Nothing seemed out of place, this didn't seem to be some kind of trap, some scheme. Heck, maybe it was an age thing. Maybe she just needed some kind of excitement, something different. She was never that adventurous when they had been a couple in the first place. Passionate, full of heat, yes... but adventurous was a completely different ball game.  Any suggestion of a new sexual adventure had always been shot down with a slap to his arm. She had always been a shy lover, that beautiful woman he was staring down, the woman walking towards him with his glass of whiskey on the rocks. 

He gulped, unaware of the fact his jaw once again clenched, his cheekbones prominent while his eyes stayed steady on hers. He watched intently, her eyes slid down his face, landing on his neck. Lindsey breathed gently, waiting for her reaction, her bottom lip stuck in-between her teeth as she bit down with disbelief. 

"You... gosh...I-you still have that?" she mumbled, her voice lowered. 

"I-I do..." he whispered, eyes meeting hers, the ambient lights of the room glistening against the tears that had formed over her eyes. 

Stevie exhaled deeply and panic filled Lindsey's body, it was not the reaction he had hoped for. He thought she would be elated, to know that he still held onto such a delicate possession she, of all people, had gifted to him. The tears that were close to falling over the edge of her eyelids tore his heart to shreds and frustration grew, knowing that his hands were restrained, unable to wrap her into his arms and to comfort her. 

"Steph, let me out of these." he whispered, watching as she placed her free hand up to her eyes, swiping her palm under her eyelids in hopes to control herself.

"N-no, it's okay I-"

"Steph." he interrupted, the need to comfort her completely overwhelming him. Panic hit him, twisting and turning his wrists in hopes these were just a cheap imitation pair of handcuffs. 

"Please." he whispered, her bottom lip was trembling as she placed his glass of whiskey onto the coffee table in the middle of the room. 

"I'm sorry for getting so upset I-"

"Steph, take these fucking cuffs off me. Now...please." 

He walked towards her, his eyes searching the coffee table for any signs of a key. She just stood there, watching as he walked around the room. 

"Where's the key, Steph?" he sighed, walking back towards her. 

"Lindsey, it doesn't matter!" she sobbed, finally breaking down. 

His body trembled, a part of him filled with anger, the other full of regret for upsetting her with what he thought was a beautiful gesture. 

"Then take the fucking necklace off. Do something! I can't see you like this, Steph. Please. Listen to me..." 

Lindsey shook his head, a vein in his neck prominent while he sat down on the sofa in defeat with his hands still behind his back. Things were getting too deep, emotions that shouldn't exist were still alive and the longer he stayed, the worse it would get. His heart ached, seeing her like this. 

"Steves, I need the key. Do you think you can get it for me, please? I'm sorry, I've really upset you and I should have known better than to..." He didn't even look up, his eyes focused down on his leather boots. 

"You wore the necklace... and I wore the dress." she spoke gently, her fingers wrapping around the glass of whiskey. She had somehow managed to pull herself together, enough to realise just how memorable this moment was. The coincidence, the fact they had thought about each other, about that one specific time, the truce, the gift, the invite to his solo show and the words and promises they had told each other after his performance. 

Lindsey nodded in defeat, his eyes still lowered to his feet. It wasn't until her hand came into his line of sight, her fingers settling underneath his chin, lifting his face upwards until he was staring up towards her. 

With her fingers supporting his chin, she took the glass of whiskey and placed the rim of the glass between his smooth lips. He sat upright on the sofa, with her now standing in-between his legs while he tilted his head back, more than happy to oblige. He had never needed a drink more than he did now. 

He took the whole dash of whiskey into his mouth, swallowing it whole while his eyes stared into hers intensely. 

"Pour me one more and I'm all yours. My heart, my soul, my...everything." he whispered, needing to feel more of that burn in the pit of his stomach, anything to cover the unforbidden emotions that were slowly unravelling.  

"Oh, you already are mine." she whispered, her fingers tracing the necklace that hung around his neck. 

Unofficial and unspoken of, it didn't matter... she knew the symbolisation of that necklace and she would show him tonight that he would forever be linked to her one way or another...with or without handcuffs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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