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It never really mattered to him much before, to stop and steal glances at Stevie as she twirled on stage to his right. Yet, since this reconciliation, or whatever it may be, he could not keep his eyes off her. He was almost  looking for an excuse, to turn his head and stare for longer than a split second without it being obvious to the thousands of fans who would be watching their interactions like a hawk. Yet, he wanted it to be obvious to her, he wanted to grasp her attention, to communicate to her through some intense eye contact. He also knew that every gesture, every expression and hold of the hand that they shared between each other would raise the roof with cheers and so he stared down at his Guitar, his fingers going through the motions from the muscle memory he had built up from playing the same songs continuously. Now that he thought about it, it had always been a rule that Stevie would approach him first, mainly when he would be in the middle of playing a riff, when his hands were too preoccupied to react to her hands resting on his shoulders. He wondered if that was done purposely, if she timed exactly when she would approach him, to have full control of the situation. 

He walked towards the front of Mick's drumkit, a smile of acknowledgement shot in his direction before he swiftly turned back around, his eyes staring directly into the long locks of blonde hair that flowed down Stevie's back. He slowly walked towards her, as though he was trying to sneak up on her with each careful stride he took, his knees crouched with each move while he wore an uncontrollable smirk upon his face. The fans would give away his cover, they always did. The cheering and pointing more evident the closer he got to standing directly behind Stevie. As the flashes from cameras shone in his eyes, he took the moment to nuzzle his forehead into her shoulder blade, taking shelter.

Lindsey felt her leaning back against his face, a small acknowledgement of his presence while she continued to sing into her microphone. What he didn't know was that she was grinning like a cheshire cat, her vocals stronger with the attention he had brought upon her.  He nuzzled his head further against her, to let her know he was going to leave her space at the front of the stage and so, he slowly sauntered back to his place to the left of the stage. As the song ended, he smiled towards her, his hands in his front pockets while he bit down on his bottom lip. Stevie rolled her eyes, knowing exactly why he had placed his hands into his pockets, there was no need for the not-so-discreet wink he gave her. If he wanted to fumble with her underwear on that damn stage, she would not stand in his way. She would however, be having a serious discussion with him in the near future about this newly unearthed fetish. 

As they neared the end of the show, Lindsey took his stance in front of his microphone with his acoustic Guitar. His fingers started playing the iconic riff that was Never Going Back Again, his heart thumping before he had even started singing. He never got nervous on stage, but when he knew the routine, that Stevie would soon be in his presence, standing behind him with her hands resting around his shoulders, he just couldn't keep his cool. This was exactly what had ignited the fire they were currently wrapped up in, this feeling of yearning, the way he would work himself up, his whole demeanour flustered with the close proximity of her, the anticipation, the mind games, the flirting and the not knowing what would come next between them. 

As the song developed and he had reached the chorus before the Guitar solo, he felt the spark. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders, her fingers tapping against his leather jacket while he tried to keep his voice as even as possible. Gently, she slid her hand down to the side of his arm before standing on her tiptoes to be capable of resting her chin on his shoulder. 

"Been down one time, 
  Been down two times, 
  Oh, I'm never going back again." 

He breathed deeply, his fingers now focussing on playing his Guitar solo while the woman who had been his main source of excitement in recent days, whispered into his ear softly. 

"Maybe we could go down a third time, Buckingham..." 

He almost choked on the air he had breathed in, his fingers slipping from the strings on his Guitar neck, a few bum notes ringing out into the venue hall. Desperately, he tried to regain some kind of sense, his fingers fumbling to play catch up with his strumming hand. His eyes focused on the solo, his brain trying to block out all thoughts of her, he wouldn't dare repeat the words she'd just spoken in his head until he had finished the song. 

As she left him to play in peace, he felt as though he had a point to prove. She stood back at her microphone and he purposely turned to face her, his lips touching the side of his microphone. 

"Been down one time, 
  Been down two times, 
  Been down three times, 
  Yeah, I'm never going back again" 

His voice roared, really strumming the strings on his guitar until his fingers ached at the friction. With his last strum, his guitar echoed through the venue and the crowd cheered as the lights went out. His final vision before the stage went into darkness was of her eyes staring intently into his. He could see the fire, he could feel the chemistry and he wanted more and he knew she felt the same way. This whole situation was escalating and it was becoming increasingly hard to mask the thoughts he had pushed to the back of his mind but he just didn't care. She was igniting something inside of him that he hadn't felt for years. 

Stevie too, was finding it difficult to pretend that there wasn't something going on between them. Something that wasn't showing any signs of letting up anytime soon either. What they were going through, well she wasn't sure. The less she thought about it, the better. All she knew was that the feelings between them were most certainly mutual and if he wanted to risk his marriage, that was completely his responsibility. She hadn't forced him to get into bed with her and he seemed to be the one that had instigated everything. 

As the band took their bows, her hand slipped into his to walk off the stage together. She soothed her thumb over his, feeling the warmth and sweat from his fingers until they walked into the darkness of the sidelines. She slightly bent down, her free hand fumbling at her boots, the sound of the crowds still cheering in her ears while stage crew rushed past each band member to start resetting the stage for tomorrow evening's show. 

"If you could return a particular garment to my room this evening, that would be greatly appreciated." she whispered, her fingers sliding a hotel card into his back pocket before she let go of his hand to walk ahead of him down the corridors of the venue. 

Lindsey slowed his pace down, biting the inside of his cheek as he reached back to feel the hotel key she had placed into his denim jeans. This was escalating fast. 

||24 Karat Gold|| Lindsey Buckingham & Stevie NicksWhere stories live. Discover now