1- Alpha and Omega

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Type knew exactly what he had gotten himself into when he had come home with another man's perfume clinging to his skin.

It was unavoidable though. The king of a smaller kingdom was invited in the palace, and he had been responsible to make sure he had everything he wanted. All through the day,  he had touched Type all over,  casual touches which he didn’t like and yet could never oppose, as he wasn't even sure if the man had plans on him, or was generally a very physical person.

Apparently he wasn’t the only one caring,  as he could feel Tharn's glares burning holes through his head all day.

He had never wanted to anger the prince,  and yet he had forgotten just what it meant to be on the receiving end of Tharn's lust.

The look in his eyes when he had taken a whiff of Type,  had made him want to run in the opposite direction and never come back.

“Welcome home darling.” The voice send shivers down his spine even as it lit a fire through his body.

He opened his mouth, taking huge gulps of air as he panted through the heat that had suddenly spread through the room.

His pants felt a little too tight and his shirt clung too his chest like second skin, drenched through with sweat. A hand clutched his, as he was pulled through the room towards the bathroom. Tharn growled as he let him go, and turned to look for something on the wall.


That was all he got to say as water hit him with enough force to make him stagger backwards, the chill seeping through his clothes straight to his bones. Tharn pulled him close, meeting his eyes as he let the showerhead move over his body.

Type gasped at those eyes full of fury and hurt.

“Where else? Tell me where else that bastard touched you. I'll wash him off of you Type, his scent, his touch, his gaze. I'll wash everything off of you, darling.”

Type stood still as Tharn ran the water over his body, even as shivers broke over him, and his teeth chattered from the cold. He saw as Tharn walked up to him, muscles flexing sinfully under the shirt that had been Type's only ever gift to him.

The shirt that Tharn treasured above everything else- the shirt too cheap, too simple for a prince.

The shirt a commoner peeled off his body in passion every other night.

Lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t even noticed when Tharn had circled around him to stand at his back. He tried to turn and face him before strong fingers clutched his shoulders effectively holding him in place.

“Shhhhhh, darling. I've got you”

“Mine. You are mine Type. Mine and nobody else’s. This body, this heart- all mine”

His head fell back as he breathed in the scent that was exclusively Tharn's, biting back a moan as his omega glands released slick, wetting his thighs and pants.

A hand wrapped itself around his waist and pulled, and he tumbled into the body behind him. The other hand circled his neck, pressing lightly and pulling back, arching his neck and revealing his throat.

“Have you forgotten who you belong to Omega? Have you forgotten who your Alpha is?”  Type held his breath,  ready for what he knew was about to come. And it did as Tharn ran his hands up his body, framing his curves and skimming over his skin.

Lips met his throat, sucking and leaving marks on his pale skin.

“Should I remind you then?”

He said nothing even as he felt Tharn pick him up, only clutching his neck,  as he carried him dripping wet to the middle of his room.

Thorough Breds 1: My Prince(18+)Where stories live. Discover now