25- His Chosen

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IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY, PLEASE GO AND READ THE CHAPTER "THE HEAT" FIRST. I feel like you people might have missed it, due to notification issues.

Have fun. Smexy times ahead.


Tharn was annoyed as fuck.

His mother had taken everything from him, and now he had to give up even his freedom? Well, the man standing in front of him sure made it look like he had to.

He was all smiley and smug, and Tharn hated him. Even more so when he spoke."We're engaged. The Queen thought it would be nice for us to get...close." He had taken long steps towards him, and now his hands ran over the collar of Tharn's shirt.

"I would love to get to know you, after all you are my alpha." The growl that left his mouth was unintentional, but there was no way he regretted it.

He was not this man's alpha. He had only one omega, and that was Type. Type with his black hair, and his angry frown, and rude temper, and soft inside.

His Type.

"Leave!!" God he was sick of the man. "I already have an omega. All you are doing is humiliating yourself. I-" his words were cut off as he felt a knife pressed against his throat. Zee stood in front of him, his eyes furious, and just a little crazy.

"No!! Never say that again Tharn.. You are mine.. And I will not lose you to an omega slut." His words made Tharn lose his head, and his hand gripped Zee's arm hard. As if just realizing he'd made a mistake talking to Tharn like that -calling him by his name AND threatening him-he smiled.

"I love you, My prince. So much. I-I can't lose you, not now, not ever."

Tharn smiled.

"You won't loose me Zee. Not now, not ever." And then his eyes hardened."You can't loose what you never had. Don't fool yourself. And leave."

Tharn had to call the man strong. Because the smile on his face hardened, but didn't slip. "Where am I supposed to go, My prince? I've been moved to the extra bedroom in your wing, because the Queen wanted us to be closer." Of course, only because he'd asked her to, but Zee thought Tharn didn't need to know that.

Tharn would have lost his head, if Lhong hadn't knocked on his door. "My prince."he bowed, but Tharn could see panic and nervousness in his bearing. A haste to his steps.

"You are dismissed Zee." Tharn's voice rang with finality, and the man bowed to him and made to leave, even thought the frown on his face was clear indication he didn't want to.

After a few minutes of him having left, Tharn rolled his eyes. "All the way in Zee. Unless you want me to pop your ear drums for snooping." His answer was shuffling from the corridor, and finally the click of a door being shut.

He turned to Lhong, an eyebrow raised at the obvious tension in his body. "What's wrong?"

He gulped before moving towards him. "Tharn....Tharn you need to go..Now! Type's in heat and they've taken him to the west tower."

Fuck! Tharn wasn't ready for that. But still, the rules were there for a reason, he couldn't touch Type until he wanted it,and in heat, he'd say yes to everything.

His heart heavy he said the next words. " I-I want nothing more than to take his pain Lhong, but he'll have to wait this out, the rules-"

"Fuck the rules Tharn. The Queen- it makes me sick just thinking about it- she's sent him to Type, Tharn. The commander!!" Lhong said.

Tharn was out the room, leaving a curse in the air behind him. He knew where they had taken him, and even though no alpha was allowed in the west tower, he'd fight his way to his omega if he had to.

Thorough Breds 1: My Prince(18+)Where stories live. Discover now