23- Pulling them apart

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Tee Ratiwat stood outside the Queen's room, absolutely furious. Type was his fiance, his future mate, his property. And the little thing had the nerve to defy him, to disappear with the prince, when he clearly told him he wanted him yesterday night.

He wouldn't let it happen. The Queen had promised him Type, she couldn't go back on her word. If she didn't put her foot down, and keep her son in control, she would find out Tee was no damsel either.

"Come in. The Queen will see you now." He was snapped out of his thoughts when the guard spoke, and full of resolve to make sure he got what he wanted, he stepped in.

The Queen was sitting in a white silk gown, cinching at her waist and dropping down to pool around her feet. In her hand, she twirled a wine glass, her heels clicking on the ground ever so often. She looked at Tee with a pacifying smile, the kind of smile you give a kid- when you think he's stupid.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit commander?" she asked. Her voice was silky smooth, more like a trap than anything. A beautiful bait.

"You promised me the boy. You said he would be mine. I still haven't touched him!!" His voice had risen with each word until he was left shouting. Anger pulsed in his veins at the thought of Type moaning like a slut in the prince's arms.

The Queen however laughed, her laugh grating on his nerves like very little could. "I gave you the boy, he is your fiance, what can I do if you can't even control an omega?"

"It isn't about that omega. It is about the prince." He saw as the Queen's eyes hardened at the mention of her son, her smile turning stiff and forced.

"Type spends his nights in the prince's room, My lady. The prince still sleeps with him."

"Enough!! You're right. It's time I set everything straight myself. Zee has been gone for some work for quite some time now. He should come back, and spend some time knowing Tharn before the marriage. I will write to the prime minister tomorrow."

"As for that omega boy, I believe an engagement ceremony is in order. It will solidify things between you, and make sure everybody knows he is yours."

Tee smiled. Everything was in his favour, and he couldn't be happier. Even then, something pinned him.

"What of the King?" he asked.

The Queen smiled at him again.

"He has a kingdom to run, he doesn't have the time, to think of servants and their lives. He was concerned about Tharn, but since he hasn't objected to the mating we chose, he's turned his attention back to state matters."

He grinned at her again. His heart feeling giddy at the thought of Type suffering at his hands.


Type was looking around surprised, his eyes wide open at what he was seeing.

His room looked nothing like what it used to be.

Hell!! the whole servant quarters were decorated.

Flowers hung from the ceiling to the ground, men and women rushed in and out, carrying with them baskets full of stuff.

It seemed like a circus had set camp in there, except this was Type's room.

What was even weird, was the giggles he was getting from the girls, the thumps on his back from the men. Even the elderly smiled at him all the way up here.

"Mae??" He shouted, his confusion evident on his face.

Finally, he found her with her face in his wardrobe, rumaging in there for god knows what. "Maeee??!"

Thorough Breds 1: My Prince(18+)Where stories live. Discover now