14.2- love me (part 2)

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In his panic, he didn't feel Tharn enter his room. Didn't feel his fear,  as he took in Type, with his bloody hands and naked torso.

"Type!!. What happened? What's wrong?"

Tharn was on his knees beside him, and Type pressed himself into his body, until he was sitting in his lap.

The safety he felt in Tharn's arms, the feel of his hands rubbing his back and the warmth of his skin, all made him cry harder.

Tharn picked him up bridal style, taking him towards the bathroom, where he sat him on  the counter.

Running a towel under the water, he cleaned his fingers and chest of blood.

"Type. I'm going to keep a pair of sleeping pants here okay? You want to bath and change yourself, or should I help?"

Type didn't reply, only tightened his arms around Tharn's neck. With a sigh, Tharn unwound his arms, before proceeding to help him step out of his bloody pajamas.

Then he carried him to a bath Type didn't remember him filling.

All through it, he talked to Type- slow soothing words.

Walking him through cleaning himself, handing him shampoo and soap, making sure he didn't slip into shock.

And most importantly after he had flinched away from Tharn's hands, he didn't touch Type, and Type felt weirdly warm at the thought of Tharn respecting his comfort.

By the time Type was settled in his arms, he knew Tharn would want answers.

Answers Type didn't want to give him.

"Type. Are you going to tell me what happened now?"

"N-nothing happened"

Tharn scoffed.

"That's a little hard to believe, when I found you half naked and covered in blood."

He paused and Type could feel him stiffen.

"Type. Was it the Queen?" He was  angry. Type heard it in his tone.

"Tharn, let it go, naaa"

At the sound of his name, Tharn shivered around him.

His lips landed on his forehead.

Then his cheeks.

A kiss on his nose.

On both of his eyes.

Little words slipping past, making Type feel all sorts of things.

"You're safe Type."

"You're always safe with me"

Type didn't know why he didn't do it.

Why he didn't stop Tharn as he pressed their lips together. Why he clutched him closer instead of pushing him away.

He didn't know why he kissed him back.

Turning a kiss of reassurance into so much more. Upping the stakes of both of their losses.

Tharn bit his lips, and he opened his mouth to his invasion. With the first stroke of his tongue against his, Type mewled in need.

He didn't know how long they kissed, how much time passed since he lost himself to Tharn, only that he hoped it never stopped.

He panted between kisses, stealing breaths and then dipping back for more.

By the time, Tharn was able to pry him from all over himself, Type had gone limp with need.

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