priorities (draco x reader 💔 )

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this one is.. well its very sad. just letting ya'll know bc i tend to c r y when i read fanfic.

anyways, yeah here's the story!


The mark of a snake emerging from a skull was formed on my left arm. Fuck. How was I supposed to get myself out of this one?

It made it even worse that my best friends were the golden trio. They were skeptical of me at first, being a Slytherin and all. Eventually, I gained their trust and we had a bond like no other. They were like my family. My small little family. Now That won't be the case. I'm going to have to tell them sometime. Sometime soon, of course. I wouldn't want to to wait until they're in grave danger. 

"Y/N? Y/N, are you even listening?" Hermione snapped in front of my face as my head turned in her direction. She looked quite annoyed with me.

"N-no, sorry Mione," I responded, looking down at the table we were sitting at. She let out a sigh and continued to study. How am I supposed to tell them? Do I just say, 'hey guys, I'm working for the man who killed Harry's parents and is currently trying to take over the entire world,'? Note my sarcasm there. 

I rose my head from the book I was trying to read. All these stupid thoughts about being a Death Eater were swarming around my mind and I hated it. If there was anything I could do to stop being one, I'd surely take that up. This feeling is terrible.

"Hermione, I think I'm going to um, head out." I whispered to her, standing from my chair. She gave me a soft, concerned smile and went back to her writing. I could finally leave. As I rushed in the halls towards the Slytherin Common Room, I bumped into the person I wanted to see the least. Harry.

"Woah, Y/N. Watch where your going, yeah?" He said, giving me a slight smirk. I playfully tilted my head and rolled my eyes at him. When I tried to continue walking, I felt him grab my arm. Shit, he's going to see it.

"Did you maybe want to-" He stopped mid sentence when his eyes  landed on the dark tattoo on my forearm. He looked back up at me and dropped my arm.

"Please don't tell me that's what I think it is," He pleaded. The tears brimmed my eyes and almost started to fall as I looked down in shame. I wish he hadn't found out like this. He walked a little closer to me me lifted my head.

"Y/N, I need you to tell me you're not one of them."

I opened my mouth to say something when nothing came out. The water in my eyes trickled out now, making my cheeks sting.

"I-I-I um, I can't, Harry," I managed to force that out. He looked at me like I was scum on his shoe and scrunched his eyebrows.

"We trusted you. Y-you were our best friend! How could you do this?" He seemed to start to tear up as well. Before I could open my mouth to say anything, he simply walked away.

I continued on my way to the Common Room and when I arrived, I caught a glimpse of platinum blonde hair. Draco. We had definitely gotten closer, considering the past events. He must've seen my tear stained face because as soon as I walked into the girls dorms, he was in the door way with a look of concern spread on his face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, slowly coming closer. I simply shook my head in attempt to wave him off. He stayed.

"L/N, tell me what's wrong." He had a stern look in his eyes and I started to give in. I just explained everything. Or tried to.

"It's this stupid mark, Malfoy! It's ruining everything! Ive lost my fiends a-and i-still just-" I cut myself off with tears as they started to stream down my face even faster. At this point, I was just bawling. Sitting in my bed with my knees to my face, bawling. Draco stood there for a few seconds and eventually rushed to me. His arms were wrapped around me and my face was in the crook of his neck. 

It's been 20 minutes. 20 minutes of me bawling into Draco's neck and him telling me empty promises. Telling it would be okay or, that it's not my fault. It my not be my fault but, if there was one thing I know, I know it won't be okay for a very long time.

30 minutes now.  Time to pull myself together. Malfoy's probably sick of me sitting here being a baby. I propped myself up and kissed Draco on the cheek. He looked up at me, concerned. I let out a breathy laugh and lowered myself down to his eye level.

"Thank you for everything, Draco." I whispered to him. I saw a light blush spread over his pale face. It made him look absolutely adorable. 

"Of course, love. Anything for you." He whispered back. He stood up as well as he towered over me. Wait. Love? He's called me love. That's something I could get used to.

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